Chapter 5

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"James! James! I need you, my love!"

He was awoken from his sleep by the sound of Gabrielle calling his name. Sensing she was in danger; he closed his eyes and brought her image to his mind and focused only on her. Not knowing where she was at that moment, this technique would bring him right to her. The moment he felt carpet under his feet and the smell of a lavender candle hit him, he opened his eyes. For a moment he was confused. He immediately recognized her room but did not see her or anything that would cause her harm. All the lights were out except for one small reading lamp which revealed no danger, but instead a sleeping Gabrielle. He knew then that she had called him in her sleep. He was both disappointed and happy at that moment. He wanted to talk to her and know why she had not talked to him since she had met with her grandmother. But at least he was on her mind. He watched her for a few minutes longer, carefully pushed her hair back and kissed her softly on the cheek and left.

The next morning at eight he woke up to a text that made him smile. It was from Gabrielle. She wanted to meet at Waffle King in an hour to talk. Nervously he agreed. He hoped the best would come out of this "talk". But since she had not spoken to him in a week, he would mentally prepare a speech to convince her to give him a chance, while he rushed to get ready. He wanted her love. He wanted once again to feel whole. Maybe a cold shower would help him get his thoughts together.

Gabrielle felt him before she saw him pull up in his white Bentley. His windows were tinted to the point that no one could see inside but nevertheless, she knew it was him. She felt a strong bond whenever he was near. This felt as if someone was pulling her towards him, even at the times that she could not physically see him. He opened the car door and as he got out, she could see the blood red interior. She thought he might have purposely chosen that color to disguise blood if ever his "dinner dates" leaked when he wanted a snack in the car. She made a mental note to ask him about it later. James, however, was wearing a green sleeveless shirt, her eyes lingering on his arms as she longed to touch his thick bulging muscles. Continuing her way down she saw he was also wearing green, white, and brown checkered shorts on, which was the same shade as his green "Gilligan" shoes and hat. She could not take her eyes off of him.

"Every time I see you, you have a different pair of shoes on and a matching hat."

"Well, I have to look good."

"You do not need matching shoes and a hat to do that."

"Maybe I am just trying to impress you."

"Shoes with matching hats and a killer car will not really impress me. After years of stalking me, you should know this." She chuckled as she said this.

"I was not stalking you. I was watching over you from a distance. And there is only so much a person can learn from studying a person without actually talking to them."

By now they were seated at a booth. A woman with black wavy hair reaching her shoulders and wearing glasses came to their table.

"Welcome to Waffle King my name is Rebecca the waffle queen, do you know what you would like or would you like a few minutes."

"I am ready."

"Okely dokely."

"I will have the sirloin and eggs plate. I want my cow to still be mooing and eggs scrambled." James told her with a smile on his face

"Sounds good, and what would you like to drink?"

"What kind of drinks do y'all have?"

"We have Pepsi products, tea, and coffee."

Eternal SoulsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon