Chapter 11

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"You were right, I definitely do not like this plan." Gabrielle, James, and Penny said in unison.

"How can you even suggest such a plan as that? Penny asked.

"Honestly, ever since the Ancient Ones was mentioned I thought about it, and since no one else has been able to come up with something else I figured it was worth telling. What harm can be done by throwing my idea out there? Seriously, the worst you can do is say no."

"Since you were the one who mentioned it and since as you said no one else has any other ideas, do you know how we are launching this little crusade and getting this mission rolling?" Gabrielle asked curiously.

"You can't seriously consider this?" James asked as his voice screeched with fear.

"Until another plan can be made, we don't have an option. The Ancient Ones probably already know about me anyway, so why not take advantage of the situation and use your friendship and my uniqueness to our advantage."

"You could get killed, so could Mario."

"I am willing to risk it in order to get justice for my family. And like Mario, you and granny can make your own choice in this matter. But I will not live in fear."

James looked at Penny, a pleading look in his eyes. He did not say anything, he just looked annoyed. He wanted to beg her and ask her to change Gabrielle's mind. He wanted to say something but his mind was swarming with too many things. He knew if he opened his mouth, only a bunch of babbling gibberish would come out. So, he decided to just sit there. He kept staring until Penny made clear her intentions.

"I know you are my grandchild Gabrielle, but I raised you as my own after your parents were killed. You are more like a daughter to me and I love you so much. You have so much courage and love in such a small person. You are willing to risk everything to make sure justice is done. You are just like your mother. You got your strategicness from your father, and I know if you just brainstorm and map out what it is you want to do, nothing will stand in your way. I will be behind you one hundred and ten percent. No matter what you need, I will be there helping you and teaching you along the way."

"Thank you, granny, I love you too." They both stood up and embraced each other. With tears running down her face Gabrielle continued, "I appreciate everything you have done for me, and for what you are going to do. I also know this plan will take a while, so I want you to know that I will take whatever advice, and learn whatever it is I need to learn in order to make this a success."

"Now that everyone's mind is made up, how about we go get some lunch. I am starving." James' stomach growled loudly at that exact moment.

"I want food, not blood, thanks." Gabrielle giggled as she teased him.

"I know we have not really talked about my eating habits in detail but as you know I need blood to survive. But as long as I maintain a healthy blood diet, I can still eat regular food. Right now, that's what I am in the mood for. Mario, would you like to join us?"

"No thanks, I have been here a few hours and I promised my wife I would run a few errands for her. Those by themselves take a few hours so I need to get moving if I want to get everything done in time. But if I hear anything that will give us an idea of actually how to get this plan in motion, I will give you all a call so we can meet up and actually get it started before time runs out."

"One last question Mario. In your opinion, is it safe to go back home yet or not?"

"You can if you choose to. Until the Lillith situation gets under control and we find out who is controlling your mother I would suggest sleeping somewhere else at night. And to be safe, do not let anyone, under any circumstance, besides the four of us know where that will be."

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