Chapter 17

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It was time to cast the spell and Penny already had two salt circles prepared. The bigger of the two was surrounded by candles every few feet apart with a crystal ball sitting in the exact center. The smaller was surrounded by her ancestors' spell books in place of the candles.

Did you both get plenty of rest and nutrients like I ordered? Penny asked, looking at both James and Gabrielle.

"I know I did." Gabrielle answered.

"I did what you suggested and got me some fresh blood so I can be at my strongest for this spell."

"Good, and did you bring the paper Lillith touched?"


"Good. Now I want you to sit inside the larger circle," She told him. "And I want Gabrielle to sit in between your legs, almost like she is sitting in your lap."

They both did as she instructed.

"Now put your arms around her and both of you place your hands on the crystal ball."

"What is the crystal ball for? I thought we would be seeing what happened in our minds."

"You will be. The ball is like a USB drive to the computer. While your hands are placed upon it, it will draw in what you see and store it. This is what you will be bringing to the Ancient Ones if and when you go."

"Will you be able to see it too?"

"I will see it as it is being transferred into the crystal ball." She told him. "Now once the spell is activated it will be as if you have put on some virtual reality glasses. You will be totally immersed into the memory. You can see and hear others but they won't see or hear you. The only thing you can grab onto is their fate line which will bring up their memories."

"Where exactly is a person's fate line located?"

"On the back of the neck below the skull. It will be a pulsating blue glow. It will show even if their necks are not bare. When you see it on the person you need to grab it and access their memories as soon as possible. Be warned the longer you have a hold on their fate lines the more likely they are to feel your essence attacking them. Especially if they are of supernatural blood.

"But we are not attacking them."

"They won't know that. And for a witch as strong as Lillith you are probably going to have 30 seconds to access her memories, depending on what memory of yours that you choose, before she starts putting a wall up to block you."

"What do you mean by "depending on what memory of mine that I choose?""

"You have to choose one of your memories that she is in in order to grab onto her fate line. The more recent memory the less time you have to choose from her memories. Thirty seconds is usually when the person will start to realize something is not right."

"It's a good thing that I have an excellent memory and lived a very long time then."

"Will that be enough time to get the information we need?"

"Probably not what you will have to do as soon as you grab onto her subconscious, find the memory of her attacking your father and then grab on to your father's fate line. From there grab on your mother's that way we can see who was controlling her. "If it leads back to Lillith we will have all the information we need."

"And if we don't?" James questioned.

"We will have to find another way to get proof."

"Well cross your fingers and hope this works." He said.

"Oh, and James, try and keep away from the memories of when you two were not keeping each other company. I understand that it might come up but I would rather not see it."

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