Chapter 13

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James kept looking in the mirror and changing his shirt. He was undecided and couldn't choose between his blue cotton button-up shirt or his black one. After 15 minutes of comparing shirts, he went with a blue one up when he remembered that Gabrielle said he looked best in blue.

Gabrielle was still asleep but he wanted to start her day off right. So, when she decided to get up her breakfast would be ready. Putting on his kiss the cook apron he got out all the ingredients and began.

The smell of bacon reached Gabrielle's room waking her up and making her stomach growl. Following the smell to the kitchen, she found James bent over the stove. Looking around she saw a platter piled high full of bacon, a pile of eggs, grits on the stove, and toast in the oven. He was so focused on cooking that he didn't hear or see her come in. Wanting to sneak a piece of bacon without him noticing and hoping to scare him a little, Gabrielle silently walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his back in an embrace.

Jumping from her touch he asks laughing "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"No, but apparently you are trying to give me one with that pile of delicious smelling bacon." She said as she grabbed a slice. "Tastes better than it smells too."

Standing on her toes she kissed him.

"Is that for the bacon?"

"No, just following your orders."

"What orders?"

"I'm kissing the chef." She said as she pointed to his apron.

"Well, it would be nice to get a kiss without having to ask for it." He said sarcastically.

"I will when you are finished cooking. I don't want to distract you and make you burn anything,"

"So that is the excuse you are going with huh?"

"Yup, that is my story and I am sticking with it."

"Why don't you go get dressed, while I finish up here."

"Ok." She kissed him again and grabbed another slice.

"You keep on stealing the bacon we won't have any left when we actually eat."

"Then you shouldn't have made so much and shouldn't have it smelling so good." She grabbed another slice and asked, "do you want a bite?"

"Sure, like you said it does smell good."

Instead of giving it to him, she put it in her own mouth leaving half hanging out. He bent over, bit it, and kissed her longingly.

"You really like teasing me."

"I don't know what you mean," she said grinning and walked back to her room to get dressed.

Not really knowing what James had planned, Gabrielle didn't really know what she should wear. Her rumbling stomach was rushing her to choose. Deciding that she could never go wrong with her favorite white cotton top and black cotton pants, she rushed to get dressed.

When she had made it back to the kitchen, she saw that James had placed a vase of fresh pink and yellow roses on the table.

"Oh my gosh, James, they are beautiful."

"Only the best for you." He pulled her seat out as she sat. "I am here to serve you today. What will you have?"

"So sweet of you. Who am I to say no to you?" She looked at him full of admiration and love and continued. "I will have a small bit of everything, except the bacon. That I want a lot of."

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