Chapter 8

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It was a little after 1 a.m. when they finally reached James's house. Gabrielle could see it was extravagant, even in the dark. She was too tired to pay attention to any of the details.

"You can have the guest room for as long as you want. You will have your own bathroom in there also." As he grabbed her suitcase he then asked, "is there anything else you need?"

"No, honestly I am just tired and want to sleep. If you need anything I will be sure to ask." She smiled a weak sleepy grin as they reached her room.

"I will be in the next room if you need me. Goodnight."

"Goodnight.... Hey, thanks again for everything."


The moment Gabrielle's head hit the pillow exhaustion took over and she drifted off into a deep sleep.

At 5 a.m. James was jerked awake by screaming coming from Gabrielle's room. Worried about her safety he jumps up. It was so startling that he did not even bother with putting his shirt on. He reached her door as Gabrielle continued to scream. Realizing she is still asleep; he grabs and shakes her to awaken her. He did not want her to be in that nightmare any longer. The shock and pain forced her to awaken. Once she awakens, she notices James's face. She knows she is safe and immediately grabs him in an embrace.

"Everything is okay my love. You are safe here."

"I saw my Mother and know what really happened to my Father!" She had tears in her eyes as she told him.

"What?" he asked, confused. "Your Mother died 23 years ago the day after you were born, how did you see her?"

"You said my dreams were real, that they showed me the truth. Well in my dream I saw her outside my house tonight."

"I said your dreams about your past were real. Let us go to the kitchen and get you a glass of water to help calm you down. Then you can tell me everything you saw." He stood up and headed toward her door.

"Don't leave."

"Never" he took her hand and said "Come with me, and I do not think water will do the trick. I think maybe some cappuccino will do us both some good." He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and led to the kitchen.

James turned on the coffee pot and started gathering all the cappuccino flavors for Gabrielle to choose from. They both chose the French vanilla flavor just as he got the pot going. Waiting for it to finish he sat in the chair across from Gabrielle as she began describing her dream to him.

"Well, she began "I dreamt that I had just got home and was getting ready for our date when I felt like someone or something was watching me. So, I turned around and looked but no one and nothing was there. So, I shrugged it off."

"So that is why you asked me if I had popped in while you were changing?"

"That was one reason, yes."

"Why did you not tell me?"

"I did not want it to ruin our night. I thought I was just imagining things."

"That could not happen. Besides I would rather look and prove you wrong, than there to be something there and you were right. I am here to protect you."

"I know and I am going to have to get used to that."

"Alright, I will excuse you this time but next time let me know, or call out to me if I am not there and I will be."

"I will, I promise." She smiled and felt some relief in knowing he was right.

"Well, what happened next in your dream?"

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