Chapter 10

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"Hey, baby!" Granny said, grabbing Gabrielle in an embrace.

"Hey, Granny, I am glad you could make it." She hugged her granny for a few more minutes and continued. "After the night I had, and all the things I have learned just this morning, Thanks."

"Anything for you, dear."

"Welcome to my home Mrs. Tate," James said.

"Please, just call me Penny. After all, we have known each other for 23 years. No need for the formalities."

"Ok then, Mrs. Penny," James replied with a crooked grin on his face again. "I would like to introduce you to Officer Moretti. He is helping us with the break-in from last night as well as figuring out how to deal with the witch that killed your son-in-law.

"Wait a minute, I am lost here. When Gabrielle said there were a few things that she had to explain when I came over here, I obviously had no idea of what I was walking into. Now can someone tell me who killed Bill and how it has taken 23 years to figure out that a witch killed him. Also, how do you know who that woman is?" Penny blurted out. "And since when do we let humans in on the secret of the supernatural?"

"Granny, I can explain everything. First of all, I wanted to tell you everything in person and once I do you will understand why I did not want to tell you over the phone. Secondly, Mario is a Fae so he can be trusted with what is said here today."

"Are you sure he is not human? You know what happens to humans that find out about us, and to the superhuman who lets that human know about us, to begin with?" She had a worried look on her face. "I just do not want anything to happen to you or an innocent person."

"I know Granny, and to answer your question, yes me and James both made sure before we actually talked about anything of the supernatural form. I had a great teacher," she said with a smile and continued. "You taught me well."

"You always were a fast learner. For someone who has only known this life for a little over a week, I have to say I am impressed. Much more with the knowledge you have absorbed. I am proud of you. Now to get back on the subject. How was it figured out that a witch killed your father?"

"Last night I had a dream about the night that he was killed. I saw everything, just as if I was there."

"Actually, before she goes any further with the story, can I get you something to drink Penny?" James asked.

"Sure, a nice cup of ice tea would be lovely." Then turning to Gabrielle, she told her to continue her dream.

"Well at first I saw my father asleep in his bed when he heard a loud crash that woke him. He jumped up to investigate only to see what looked like a silver-haired 70-year-old woman walking around his house." She held her cup up to James asking for a refill so she could go on without interruption. "He looked surprised that an old woman would break into his house. I guess he thought he could take her, I mean seriously, what kind of person thinks that a 70-year-old woman can beat up a 20-year-old man."

"Get to the point baby girl."

"Yeah, sorry. Anyway, he started to approach this woman when she put her hand in a bag and pulled out some sort of dust and blew it in his face. Whatever it was knocked him out. She left him there and went and searched each room, very thoroughly I might add. When she did not find she went back to dad and said a few chants. This apparently left him unable to move but still able to talk. She started kicking him and demanding to know where I was. He told her I had died with my mother. She did not seem to believe him, so she continued beating him and asking him the same thing. Of course, he still refused to change his answer, which only made her even more agitated. She realized she was not going to get another answer from him so she raised both arms, making all the kitchen knives come flying and land in his chest. She walked right out the door like nothing had happened. Luckily she walked right by a mirror which showed her true self and I got a glimpse of just that." She handed her granny the pictures she had drawn."

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