Chapter 4

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The address was easy enough to find. Now wasting time, he just went straight to the door. He didn't even have a chance to knock when a woman who looked to be in her 60's opened the door.

"Hello ma'am, how are you today? You might not remember me but my name is James. I was hoping to have a word with you." He said as he stuck out his hand.

She took his hand and that very moment her eyes went white as she had a vision. She saw all the suffering Mistress Razor caused. She felt the love he felt for Hannah and all the pain he felt when he found her dead. She saw and felt everything he had over his 214 years as he found and lost Hannah over and over again. Then she saw Gabrielle's face and saw Hannah through her eyes. She knew right then what she was and how it would affect her future.

"I remember you. I also know what you are and why you are here Mr. Bleu. You want me to help you convince Gabrielle that what you say is true. She does not need to be caught up in our world, at least not yet anyway. But I will give you a chance to come in and plead your case and try to convince me that the love you feel for her is enough, that you can protect her from all danger. That if and when she accepts her destiny you will be there every step of the way. Also, you can explain why you lied to me 23 years ago.

It was finally Tuesday night and Gabrielle had texted James at five and told him to meet her at "Powell's Pub and Grill" at six on the dot. She had always wondered if there was more out there. Secretly she wished James was telling the truth. His sculpted body was just too perfect to be behind bars or in a padded room. If he was telling the truth it meant that he belonged to only her and she had wanted him from the moment she laid eyes on him.

It was five-thirty and she went ahead and called herself a cab so she would not be late.

She had arrived at the grill at quarter till six and got a back table so she could see when James arrived. A young woman looking to be 19, wearing black pants and a blue shirt approached her table.

"Welcome to Powell's Pub and Grill my name is Allison, I will be your waitress tonight. Here is a menu for you. While you are looking, I can go ahead and get your drink if you like."

"Sure, I will have Mtn. Dew lots of ice."

"Alrighty then, well I will be back in a few minutes with that then."

Looking around she was hoping James would be there but instead she was surprised to see someone else approaching her table.

"Surprise," the woman says as she grabs Gabrielle in an embrace. "I know you hate surprises but I hoped you would like this one."

"Grandma, it is good to see you. I do like this surprise! But what are you doing here?"

"Can't I meet my favorite baby without a reason?"

"I am your only baby. Unless there is a new man in your life that you would like to tell me about. I mean that would explain why you are dressed like that.

"No, but even if there was, you would still be my favorite. And what is wrong with how I am dressed?"

"I am 23 dressed like I am 23. You are 63 in a bar dressed like you are 90."

"How am I dressed like I am 90?

"Floral patterns are for people in nursing homes who have no choice but to wear it, for the fact that someone else dresses them, or for the furniture in an antique shop. If you are trying to get lucky grandma it is not going to happen tonight with that male-repelling dress on."

"That is no way to talk to your Grandma. And for your information I do not need help getting, what you call "lucky" I can get lucky all on my own."

At that moment Allison came and handed Gabrielle her drink.

"Are you ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" Allison asked

"I am ready. I will have the two hot dog combos with no mustard, extra onions, mayo, chili, and ketchup," replied Gabrielle

"Anything I can do for you ma'am?" she asked turning to grandma

"Sure, I will take the same thing but with tea."

"Sounds good, I will be back with your food in a few minutes."

Gabrielle looked at her watch, it read fifteen after.

"Well, I guess I got stood up. Either that or he came in and took one look at your dress and got scared away."

"My dress is not that bad."

"Yes, it is. When you take it off tonight you need to burn it."

"Ha-ha, very funny."

"No, I am being serious."

"Well, let us assume for a second that you did get stood up ok."


"Who stood you up?"

"Apparently nobody."

"James did not stand you up my dear."

Gabrielle's eyes got wide with surprise as she asked: "how do you know about James?"

"I know he is a vampire and he wanted to come by but I told him that I would be taking his place tonight. You can talk to him after we discuss everything that we need to."

"Vampires are not real grandma."

"Actually, they are my dear; everything James told you is true."

"Alright where are the cameras," she asked laughing as she got her food.

"This is no joke, there are no cameras."

"Why did James talk to you, assuming all this is real? You are not immortal; I grew up with you and know you are human."

"No, I am not immortal. But I am the same as you."

"How can we both be the reincarnation of his dead wife?"

"You are not reincarnated exactly. If you were reincarnated then you would look like her in every way every time you came back. You only possess her soul. Your soul is the only thing that has been reincarnated. But we are both witches."

"Of course, we are, and we are the direct descendants of the Great Merlin."

"Not quite. Although I am sure if we trace our lineage back far enough his name might pop up. But the truth is we are the descendants of someone much eviler and someone James himself hates, Mistress Razor Vexx."

"Let us say all this is true. Tell me then why I have no magic but yet I am supposed to be a witch."

"You do have magic; you just do not have access to it at the moment."

"That makes no sense whatsoever."

"Let me explain it then. After your mother was poisoned and your father was murdered, I was scared that you would be next. So, I did a spell and took a drop of your blood and removed your magic temporarily. It is stored in a heavily guarded object locked away safely. I was scared they could track your magic to you, so I took it away until you were ready. You still have the basic magic that cannot be tracked like visions and telepathy."

"Well, I am ready, so give me my magic and prove to me that you and James are not crazy."

"It's not that simple. I can take you to where it is being guarded but even then, it requires a spell to retrieve it. Still, you have not been trained so the moment you accept the magic back into yourself you can make something explode just by breathing."

"Then I suggest we finish our food and be on our way so you can make sure I do not blow something up."

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