Chapter 2

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With each passing month, her love for the children grew. One afternoon she returned to the Abbey and sought out Mother Superior.

"Mother Superior," she said, "there are four children in need of a loving family and a good home. Each morning these children are out in town waiting for me, ready to listen and learn. Is there anything that we can do to help them?"

"Are any of these children girls?"

"Yes, Mother, one child of the age of four."

"The girl can be raised here. Here she will be given everything she needs. That will also complete your mission here. As for the boys, well they are in God's hands."

"Yes, Mother."

She left with a heavy heart knowing there was more she could do for them. She just did not know what. That night she wept for them and herself. She knew she was meant to help these children even if it meant destroying herself. But for now, she will continue her work until the right time.

The following day she passed out her bread and water faster than normal. She had everything packed and was about to head back when she saw him. The man, with eyes of chocolate, the one she knew but did not know.

"Sister Morgana, may I walk with you and ask a few questions?" the man with chocolate eyes asked.

"I do not see why not."

"My name is Eric and I have listened to you speak a few times but never stayed long. I was just wondering, in your opinion, which is the greatest sin?"

"All sins are equal in the eyes of God."

"But we are not God, we cannot judge him. So, I say, for example, a woman has a child. She makes a vow that this child will be raised in the house of God from birth. And that as this child grows, she or he will dedicate their life to God, never leaving. As this child grows, he or she comes to realize that this is not where they belong. Once they are of age or fully grown, they leave the church following what they believe is right. Now tell me sister, is it a greater sin for them to break the vow their mother made for them or is it greater to keep that vow knowing they could do better if they left the confines of the church?"

"I would have to say the second would be the worst. I do not

believe a person should be held accountable for someone else's promise."

"Then tell me, Sister Morgana, why is it that you do nothing but feed those children and fill their head with stories, whether they be true or not? I have seen the way you look at them and know you love them."

She had asked herself this question so many times and she could never come up with just one answer, more like excuses. So, she told him the first thing that popped into her head.

"God will provide the children with what they need. He will send them someone who can care for them and love them. I am just here on a mission and cannot do more than the church allows me to do."

Deep down she knew she was lying to both Eric and herself.

"I have heard about this God of yours and know what types of people run his so-called churches. I do not mean you or your God any disrespect but maybe you should think about what they will not let you do. Then consider the children and what you can do for them. Maybe your God has already sent someone who can love and care for the children, maybe it is you. But you cannot do what you should be doing while you are stuck behind their walls doing what is best for them and not what is best for God's people. Think about it, you might just find out your so-called church is not exactly what it is pretending to be."

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