Chapter 6

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The weather was perfect for a walk on the pier. With the perfect amount of clouds in the sky, it made it easy to find a shady bench to sit and talk.

"Beautiful," James said, looking into Gabrielle's eyes.

"It is. I saw a few baby turtles sitting on a log a few yards back."

"I wasn't talking about that but I am sure they were beautiful too." He replied with the crooked grin back on his face.

"Oh, they were." She was blushing as she said it. "But to finish our conversation from the restaurant. When did you realize Granny was referring to me?"

"When I got to the hospital."

"I bet that was fun trying to convince her that you were not stalking her."

"Well on the plane I didn't know she was going to see you exactly. But when I finally calmed her down, she had asked me where I was headed and I lied and told her that my cousin and his wife had a baby and I was on my way to visit them at the hospital. We figured out it was the same hospital. Of course, we thought it was a coincidence. So, when we ran into each other at the hospital after dropping off our luggage; mine at a hotel and hers at your parent's house. It was a nice surprise to me that she was your Granny. So, when she showed me who you were through the nursery and I knew you were the one I had come to see. So, I had to point out a random child and say that was who I came to see and she believed me. That is what she believed until a week ago when I went to see her."

"There is a reason for saying the truth will always find a way to come out and then it might come back to bite you in the butt."

"Yeah, I know. I just never had to go to your grandmother before to try and convince you that I am telling the truth."

"In my past lives have I always believed you?"

"Half the time you believed me that moment we met. The other times you didn't at first but then the dreams started and you finally called me. At which time I explained them which made you finally believe me."

"So, you can interpret dreams too? Are you kin to Joseph from the Bible?" she asked, "how many powers do you have?"

He busted out laughing.

"What is so funny?"

After catching his breath James replied" Every lifetime you ask me something different when I mention that I can reveal what your dreams mean. This is the best one yet. Never ever have you said that one before in twenty lifetimes." He laughs again. "You manage to get funnier each time and more of a smart aleck. Each time I think it cannot get worse or better and yet each time it does. But yet with each life, our love grows stronger."

"You won't give up, will you?"

"What do you mean?"

"If I suddenly decided I no longer believed in what I was hearing and changed my mind on the spot would you throw in the towel and give up? Would you try again when I am reborn or would you continue trying to make me believe until I become your girl again?"

"You are my girl always and forever even if you decided to renounce your past and reject your me and your future with me. But no, I won't give up until you are mine."

"Good. What do you have planned for today?"

"Not a thing. Why is there someplace you need to be?"

"No. I just didn't want to keep you from anything important. But also, because I am about to ask you a few questions and I don't know how long the answers will be?"

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