2. Deal

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Hey, back with chapter two.

I woke to someone constantly ringing my doorbell and I felt every nerve in my body flinch with anger

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I woke to someone constantly ringing my doorbell and I felt every nerve in my body flinch with anger. I forced myself out of bed and walked down the stairs heading for my front door.

I opened it and there stood the mailman.

"Seriously mate, you could have left them there I would have found them." I uttered.

"Sorry darling, I would have done just that but the man who gave them was adamant I ring the bell until you opened, otherwise he would have my hands." He said fear lacing his voice.

"Oh." I thought. He handed me the flowers and moved onto the next house without hesitation.

I headed to the kitchen and opened up the card.

'For you, my love. Forever and Forever.' My eyes trailed to the bottom of the card which was signed with 'Your love Mike.' Ughh, Mike really knew how to cringe people out. One thing he didn't know was how to leave people alone.

I looked at the time and realised my meeting today was booked for 11am and it was 10am already. I ran back to my room and changed quickly before ringing...shit I didn't have anyone to drive me yet, which reminded me that I needed to choose a bodyguard or there would be consequences.

I grabbed some water and before I knew it I was on the road heading for work. The Traffic was horrible and I was concerned I wouldn't make it in time for this deal. I have been waiting a week for this meeting, to seal off a deal with the owner of a striving clothing business.

I realised I was the second car from the problem. So I went out to find out what was happening. I knocked on the black tinted window, as it rolled down a man with the lightest brown eyes sat in the driver's seat, with the sharpest jawline I had ever seen.

"Oh ermm, sorry I was just wondering how long have you been waiting?" I asked, consumed by his eyes.

"I have been waiting for 20 minutes now and if I could turn back I would. Also once I drive past you will be waiting for a lot longer. They only let one car go at a time. So take the advice." He said in a deep voice with a slight accent coming through.

"It's too late for that, there's a whole queue behind me." I said, my face dropping looking at the road works that had started.

"Why the long face? In a rush?" He questioned.

"Yes, I am and if I don't get there...omg this can't be happening." I frustratedly hissed.

"I know that this is going to be me asking a lot, but is it okay if I take a ride with you? Please." I begged.

He looked at me before looking in his rear view window and sarcastically voiced the joke, "So I'm guessing your car will just drive itself."

I looked at him, my eyebrows dropping.

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