14. Jealousy

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Within the next 50 minutes me and Scarlett put our heads down and got to work

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Within the next 50 minutes me and Scarlett put our heads down and got to work. By the end of this hour we had all the information we had on Pierre displayed on the board, everything organised. Scarlett had gone all out and even printed pictures out, Pierre's hung at the top and not far from his was Leo's and on the opposite side was my fathers.

So far we had made no connections between my father and Pierre but other than that we knew Leo used to work for him and now they no longer like each other. Leo possibly could have done business with Pierre which we didn't know about, it could have been private and out of the public eye. However my father, who had lied, hadn't ever done business with Pierre so whatever reasons they had to dislike each other were personal and definitely not public.

"Thank you Scarlett," I sighed pushing the empty folder into my office bin, "I don't think I could have done this without you."

"Hey, don't thank me, I'm glad I could help, anything for my boss and best friend. Also I don't mind a bit of investigating and undercover work." She laughed.

I turned to look at the board we had completed so far and I had a good feeling that I wasn't far from the truth, the truth which my father and Leo were hiding from me.

"OH!" Scarlett squealed, "I think we have some massive whiteboard paper in the conference room, we can't risk anyone finding this. Also I have a name for our undercover work, Mission PLV." She finished closing my office door behind her.

I laughed to myself, mission PLV, seriously. I couldn't risk anyone finding this, especially Leo, so I walked to the little lounge room in my office. I hardly ever used it but for this idea it was opportune. I opened it and thankfully there sat only one sofa against the far wall, it was small but enough. I dragged the whiteboard over to the room and pulled it into the room, placing it facing the sofa. I entered my office watching Scarlett carrying the biggest pile of papers and some massive flip chart clips.

She smiled at me while pushing the paper into my hands catching me by surprise and walking into the lounge room. I walked in behind her and got to work hanging on the paper with the clips, covering the massive display of men's pictures and everything we had on them.

We huffed a large breath while leaving the lounge room, and had a near heart attack when Leo strode into my office. Scarlett and I panicked, she pulled me towards her and wrapped her hands around me starting to cry. I stood stunned as Leo stopped and eyed us suspiciously.

"AND HIS DICK WASN'T EVEN THAT BIG AND HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO DUMP ME, WHO DID HE THINK HE WAS?" Scarlett screeched into my ear, holding up her pretence. Leo's eyes widened and I don't think he needed a second to rethink his decision when he turned and strode just as fast out of my office then he did entering.

Once he was out of sight, Scarlett let go of me and started giggling. And I can't lie it definitely took me by surprise and soon we were both laughing.

Soon I was in my chair and completing paperwork when Leo entered my office. He came and made himself comfortable on the chairs across from me. I brought my head up to meet his eyes and it didn't take much for us to erupt in laughter.

"Your Scarlett is very dramatic." He commented.

"Yes, that's my Scarlett indeed." I laughed. I took in his eyes as they lit up with every sound that left his mouth, the way his jaw line accentuated and a vein protruded in his forehead.

Within a matter of seconds we both regained our composure and our faces slipped from the minute of happiness we were having together. He cleared his throat before standing and demanding more than asking,

"Have you eaten?"

"No, I am finished for the day but I am meeting a friend to get some dinner." I told him.

"Since when?" Leo questioned, aggressively.

"Since last week, today was the only day we both got free." I answered back with the same attitude.

"Let's go." I ordered him, walking into my reception area and waving bye to Scarlett and earning a wink back.

We quickly reached my home and I was ready quickly in a ribbed maxi dress, touched up my makeup, matched a bag and heels and was out of my house in 40 minutes. I would say that's a world record, but many people would beg to differ.

We reached the restaurant and I was greeted by the owner, who was a good friend of my mothers.

"Eris, my dear." Albert voiced, pulling me into a warm hug and kissing both my cheeks.

"Albert, it's so good to see you." I replied, holding his shoulders. Albert turned to Leo beside me and held out his hand, earning a gripped shake from Leo. Albert smirked before innocently saying, "Eris, bring your boyfriend, follow me."

Me and Leo eyed each other and followed Albert, we made our way around the restaurant approaching the VIP area, where the noise dropped dramatically. As I neared the table the head of curls turned to look at me and a smile spread across his face. There sat Max, I sped up watching as he stood and his face glowed with happiness. But before I could even reach Leo had grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me back towards him. He frowned and his grip tightened around my arm.

"You didn't tell me it was another man." He snarled, "Did you forget we are together?"

"Well Leo, wake up call we aren't together, you and me are just a business arrangement and it will be staying that way." I replied abruptly. I pulled my arm from his hand and continued my way to the table, Max had never looked so good.


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