10. Secrets

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I rested on the sofa in my office while trying to comprehend what had just occurred

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I rested on the sofa in my office while trying to comprehend what had just occurred. Leo hadn't been my bodyguard for long but he was already getting on my nerves and ruining business for me. If this continued to go on I was ready to hire someone else. There was no need for him to be this angry, Pierre was just getting to know me and talk about business, if I had known he would react like a maniac I would have told him.

I rubbed my forehead and pushed myself off the sofa, Wolf had messaged me and wanted to meet today, he had found something and my father had gone out. This was the perfect opportunity, but just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, when I stepped out of my office, my father and Leo were walking in the direction of my office.

"Get back inside, we need to talk, you are not going anywhere." My father voiced, pointing behind me.

Why? Why? Why? Inside, I felt like shooting Leo between the eyes for calling my father, at this point I felt like a child again when my father always had someone watching me 24/7. I threw my bag at the sofa and went and took my seat. Leo and my father sat across from me and their eyes were burning through me like a bullet on fire.

"What? Why are you here father?" I asked, acting dumb.

"Don't give me that Eris, you know why I'm here. You decided it was a good idea to talk business with Pierre without Leo being there, that's only number one. Number 2, even though Leo had warned you about him, you still went ahead and allowed him in." My father lectured.

"It's just business and I am and was more than capable of taking care of any situation if anything went wrong." I reassured.

"Don't bullshit us!" Leo remarked, "There were more of his men and I'm sure Scarlett wouldn't have done much with her Louis Vuitton heels."

"You don't get to talk to me like that, did he tell you what he did?" I asked, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, he did and he had every right as your bodyguard to do anything necessary to protect you, I have given him permission for that." My father excused.

"So, he can go around barging into rooms like a lunatic and attack people, but I...I can't seal a deal with a potential business partner in peace." I argued.

"No, but when it comes to Pierre it's a another playing field. Now I made a quick trip here but I have business of my own to attend. I want both of you at my place tonight, Leo and I have made a plan to make Pierre back off." My father ordered.

"What's that? You listen to everything he has to say but nothing of mine." I argued, pissed that Leo had my father on his side.

"Darling, I know how this would go, now I need to go but any concerns you can tell me tonight." My father confidently spoke, pushing back the chair and getting up.

He walked towards the door and just before he disappeared he commented, "Oh Eris, no business with Pierre." He didn't even give me a chance to speak before exiting the office, leaving me and Leo all alone. Now I definitely couldn't meet Wolf with him on my back, so I messaged him that something had come up.

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