13. Truth

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I was currently sat face to face with Pierre who had an amused look on his face even after I told him I no longer wanted to do business with him

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I was currently sat face to face with Pierre who had an amused look on his face even after I told him I no longer wanted to do business with him. He kept his eyes on me and Leo the whole time smirking as if he could see right through us.

"So, you no longer want to do business with me? I see, did daddy dearest have a word? Because based on this whole facade I can tell that you're not the one making this decision, Eris." Pierre indecently pointed.

"I have made this decision Pierre and if you don't like it I don't care, you know where the door is." I pointed, eager to get this over and done with.

"I'm guessing you had something to do with this." Pierre droned on, scanning Leo from head to toe, "When will you keep your nose out of businesses that don't concern you, I thought you would have learnt that by now but clearly not. And Eris, since when do you take advice from a pathetic bodyguard?" Pierre voiced pitifully.

I watched how Leo took a step forward before stopping himself, his jaw was clenched and his face had switched, Pierre had stirred something in Leo and it was clear if he had the chance he would strangle Pierre without a second thought.

"Eris and I are more than just work colleagues, we now have a relationship away from work, and Eris is more than capable of making her own decisions but when it comes to you, I wouldn't let filth like you go into business with her. Now please respect my boss's decision and leave, before I throw you out." Leo bitterly pursued, he had definitely held back his words, his face inched with anger, but before I knew it within seconds he had forced a smile onto his face and loosened his shoulders.

Pierre smirked after taking another look between Leo and I. It didn't take him long to push back his chair, dust his shoulder and exit my office. After the door closed I watched Leo as he turned and faced the window.

"Hey, Is everything ok?" I asked, curious to know why Pierre angered Leo so much.

"Yes, I'm fine. Do you need anything?" He asked, clear he wanted to leave.

"No, I'm good for a couple of hours now." I replied.

"Good, If you need me, call me." He assures before slamming my office door and leaving.

Once he was out I collected my files on everything I have on Pierre, I grabbed the list of all his business associates and ran through the list. Never has Leo done business with Pierre, that means whatever vendetta they have against each other is personal. I sigh and lean back in my chair and a thought pops into my mind, I decide to scan the list for my fathers name.

I look through the first list and no name appears, I look through the next 4 pages and nowhere in sight is my fathers name. I stop dead when the idea of my father lying to me enters my mind. I get up from my chair and stride towards the reception desk where Scarlett is sitting, completing some paperwork.

"Hey, I was looking through the list of business partners Pierre had collaborated with throughout his career, I was wondering if you could look through these and let me know if it's missing anyone. Also I need you to bring me a fresh list with his current partners. I want that on my desk by the end of the day." I demand Scarlett.

"Yes Boss, I'm guessing you're onto something." She smiles while taking the list from my hands.

"Something like that." I responded, "Also cancel any meetings I have for the day and please reschedule them." I ordered, heading back to my office. I trusted Scarlett when it came to any of my business, she was older than me by 10 years so if the list was missing someone she would definitely know. And one thing about Scarlett was she never let me down.

Once I was comfortable in my chair again I didn't hesitate to search about my father and Pierre. But with every link I clicked I was losing hope by the minute, I pulled at my hair frustrated I couldn't find anything, I slumped in my chair, and then remembered Wolf still hasn't gotten back to me. I picked up my phone and sent him a message.

'Eris: Hey, did you find anything on what I asked for?'

I threw my phone onto the desk and knew my only hope now was Wolf, no sight on the internet was going to tell me anything personal about Pierre or Leo. I know if I asked my father he would refuse and say it's got nothing to do with us, as he has already.

This was all a mess I thought, when I started collecting the information on Pierre and placing it back into the folder. As I closed the folder an idea popped into my mind. I still had another hour before Leo would get here, so I had enough time to get this all together with the help of Scarlett.

I quickly walked out of my office to see Scarlett rounding her desk and ordered her to follow me. I took a left and headed to our conference rooms where I knew stood a large whiteboard. I pushed open the door and went and stood on the furthest part of the board.

"Oh, you want this?" Scarlett questioned.

"Yep, click the wheels we are taking this to my office." I told her, and with no delay she helped.

Eventually me and Scarlett made it to my office after twisting and turning the board through the hallway. We both sank onto the sofa in my office where she started pointing at the board weirdly. I looked at her confused until she asked, "What are you going to do with a board that size?"

"Well we have about 50 minutes to spare until Leo arrives, I had an idea." I informed her while walking to my desk and picking up the folder consisting of everything I currently knew about Pierre.

"It's all a mess in here, so we are going to place all the information we have on Pierre on the board. This way I can have a clear visual of everything and I can easily add more information to it." I apprised her, while dumping the folder onto the table in front of the sofa.

"Well, this is convenient because I was just on my way with his business associates you told me to look through and his current associates." She smirked running to get the file from her desk. She came and added it to our pile of papers on the table before briefing me on what she found.

"So I did a check of the list you gave me and no one is missing from the list, you had everyone. And the second list in blue is his current business partners. It's halved over the years, but his profit has increased by double the amount, which is suspicious and questionable considering Pierre was nowhere near the ranks of top successful businesses. I just can't believe I only noticed now." Scarlet scrunched her forehead before picking up the list and reading through it.

"Scarlett you were around 10 years before I was even born, I told you to look through the list because my father had told me he and Pierre had been in business in the past and due to reasons I am unsure about they fell out but have decided to keep clear of each other." I revealed to her, "Is there any chance they were in business?"

"No, not that I am aware of." She answered.

"Are you sure? 100%?" I interrogated.

"My father was a good friend of your father Eris, he always kept my mum up to date when it came to his and Victor's business agreements. Never in a million years was he mentioned with your father, especially when it came to a business agreement." She assured me.

As she finished her sentence my mind wandered off.

My father had lied to me, and so had Leo.


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