22. Relief

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I set my bag down on the sofa before picking up the bat Scarlet hid under her desk, I looked around the reception area and then walked down the corridor, leading to the various meeting rooms I had

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I set my bag down on the sofa before picking up the bat Scarlet hid under her desk, I looked around the reception area and then walked down the corridor, leading to the various meeting rooms I had. I pushed each one open, taking a look around and closing the doors behind me.

My adrenaline was running and my grip around the bat had tightened. My heart was beating a little bit faster now and my breathing was slow and silent. I had one room left to check when I heard a noise coming from the direction of my office. I stopped and took a gulp of air, I turned and silently tiptoed towards my office, I noticed now the door was slightly ajar. As I creeped closer, my heart sped up, I took a deep breath, counted to three and pushed open the door. I ran in ready to hit someone across the head but when I rounded the corner and a scream left the mouth of the person in front of me I stopped.

"Eris." "Scarlett." We both chimed together in shock. "What are you..?" We both started and then stopped waiting for the other to answer.

"What's with the bat?" She pointed, I turned to the bat which was now in my hands and dropped it.

"I thought someone had broken in." I told her with a nervous laugh.

She smiled and I both pulled me into a hug.

"Seriously Scarlett, feel my heart." I sighed, controlling my breathing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to turn up. What are you doing here?" She muffled into my shoulder.

"I needed to get some work done, what are you doing here?" I asked whilst telling a white lie.

"Oh, well my parents went abroad to Russia to celebrate Christmas with our family. I got stuck here due to the snow storms so I decided why not make use of the time I have and see if I could find anything on Mission PLV." She informed me.

"Oh, so wait, are you spending Christmas alone?" I said, as she nodded her head.

"So what's the real reason you're here?" She quizzed.

"To get work done, why would you think there was any other reason?" I smiled, hoping to throw her off.

"I've known you long enough to know when you're lying, you scratch the left side of your forehead." She told me.

"No I don't." I said holding onto my hand. Scarlett raised her eyebrows which is enough to tell me I was busted and there was no way I was getting away with this.

"Long story short, the last day of work the snow storm was the worst, it was hard to drive, the traffic was terrible and there was no way he could have seen through the front windscreen. So I offered for him to stay at mine until the storm calms. Well it didn't so he's been spending time at mine. A day later, his mate found out his grandad passed away and he was spending Christmas alone and he asked and I gave in, because he lost someone. So he and his mate are staying at mine, they were both supposed to go abroad to spend Christmas with their family but at the last minute they cancelled their flights due to the weather. I needed to get some work done so I came here not expecting you." I informed her without taking a breath.

"So, you have a hot bodyguard and his mate who is also possibly hot staying with you?" Scarlett smiled, raising her eyebrows.

"Don't do that." I said, dumping my bag on my desk and reaching for my chair.

"Don't do what, I didn't do anything." Scarlett laughed.

"So that's the reason you came to the office then, because from the Eris I know she can work through a wholeass war?" Scarlett drilled knowing there was more to the story then I was letting on.

"You really are nosy aren't you?" I laughed.

"Well when it concerns my best mate, yes I am." She smiled, eager to hear what I had to say.

"Yesterday night Mike came over, he was shouting the odds about our relationship, he didn't understand we are over and Leo was ready to kill him. I tried explaining to him and it wasn't getting through to his head so I kissed Leo." I revealed to her, holding my breath waiting for a reaction.

"You...ki..kissed Leo." She stuttered.

"Yes and then when we went inside he kissed me and then it seemed like he wanted me to come up with him to bed but when I came up, he told me it was a mistake and he regretted it." I continued.

"OH, HE WHAT!" She shouted across from my desk.

"Yes, rejected. I feel like such an idiot, how did I misread that. I mean maybe I actually thought someone as good looking as him would actually want someone like me. I mean, am I boring? I do have a life outside of business, maybe I need to show him. That he sees I have a life...." I was interrupted by Scarlett when she said,

"Hold up, hold up you don't need to do anything, number one you are not boring, I know that because of the nights we have spent together, number two, if he's to blind to see he's lost out on a beautiful woman as well as a thriving entrepreneur then that's his loss. You will not and do not need to show him anything. If he wants you he will come to you, don't change your daily life to please him, he is nothing."

"Oh you clearly felt strongly about this... thank you,  I needed that." I was thankful fate had us bump into each other today.

"And don't think I didn't hear the 'he's good looking part'." She smirked, "You're very welcome, anytime for my sister." She smiled rubbing her hand against my arm.

"So, you were saying about Mission PLV, what did you find?" As I finished asking, Scarlett rounded my desk, pulled me by the arm and dragged me to the lounge room within my office.

"You're not going to believe what I found." She pointed to the board she had added information to, "Look."

I turned to the board and read what she had added,

"Wait, how...how did you find that out?" I questioned, my eyes widening.

Now I knew exactly the reason Leo didn't like Pierre.


1087 Words! New chapter!
Sorry for the wait ive been busy with uni assignments.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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