Chapter 10

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Since the IHOP was right around the corner I got there pretty quick. As I hopped out I saw Tyler and Selena pull up so I waited for them so we could go in together.

"Ahhh !! I love pancakes ! Oooh and pickles !" Selena screamed as soon as she got out of the car. I thought it was really cute, that the simplest thing can make her happy.

As we talked , our server came and took our orders but I couldn't help notice that the waiter was being quite flirty with Selena.

"And that's it for you ?" He said with a wink. As she giggled and , a wave of jealousy washed over me. Thinking that maybe one day I'll be able to make her smile like that too . So I glared at the waiter hoping he'll catch on but good thing Tyler noticed too and gave him a death stare. I mean if looks could kill I was pretty sure he'd be 6 feet under right now.

"Yep that's it now bye." Tyler butted in as he walked away with a scowled on his face making me laugh a little.

"Tyler ! What's wrong with you ?! He was trying to be nice !" Selena yelled.

"Nice ?!? He was flirting with you out ! How can you not see that ??? Last time I checked in pretty sure you had a boyfriend ?" He fired back.

"Last time I checked since when did you approve of Justin ?" she said with a hint of amusement.

"I don't ! I just don't think you should be flirting with other guys while you have a boyfriend!" Tyler argued.

Great this again .... I thought I resolved this problem this morning. But even though they fight a lot I can't help but stare at Selena when she's arguing. She looks hot while she's angry. Hold up wait ! Im Tyler best friend I shouldn't be thinking about his sister this way , damn it I need to get rid of this crush. I zoned out for a bit until the waiter came back with our food and starting flirting with her again .....

"Thanks." Selena said with a wink. Why does she flirt with him ?!? I mean I know she's just doing this to piss Tyler off but still.

"Selena" Tyler warned.

"Yea I get it" Selena muttered.

The rest of the day was pretty good we went to the park afterwards and I actually learned a lot about Selena and Tyler. Like how Daniella has recently gotten herself a boyfriend , Derek.

"Daniella has a boyfriend ?!?" Tyler screamed.

"Yeah , didn't she tell you ?" Selena smirked.

"No ! How old is he ?! Is he in school ?! What does he do ?!"

"Jeez , calm down Tyler . He's 25 he's a professional dancer. He's on the show Dancing with the Stars. He's Derek Hough.

"25 ?!?" Tyler yelled.

"Dude calm down I'm sure the whole park can hear you !" I told him calmly.

"Yup just call her."

Okay the day was pretty eventful...

As we were about to leave Tyler and I saw Justin creeping up behind Selena again cover her eyes. Damn ! How many times does he have to do this ?!I mean every time we're in the middle of something good Justin has to come and ruin it. I mean at first I thought it was cute kinda but really ?

"Guess who ?" Justin said while covering her eyes from the behind. Instead of answering she just turns around and kiss him. As she did that I felt my heart sunk again. Every time they do that its makes me feel like I don't have a chance with her.

"Wanna go hang out at my place ?" Justin said to Selena.

"Yeah sure , I'm going to hang out with Justin now. Bye Dylan ! bye Tyler !" She called as she walked away with him.

"Well bud I think it's just you and me" Tyler said while wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Well let's go chill at my place then."

We both walked to our cars then drove over to my house.

Ok so you guys might be wondering Derek , as in Derek Hough ?!? Haha yes it is , and I know he's like actually 30 in real life but I don't want the age gap to be too big so let's just say he's 24 :)

Anyways I have so many ideas for this fanfic like omg you don't even know , but its so hard cramming all these idea and trying to put it in this fanfic , so I might make another fanfic after this one. -xoxo Sarah

Next update : My Birthday ! (Monday)





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