Chapter 16

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Just a bit of Taylena for you guys :) Please give this chapter a like :)

- Selena ♥

Attention Passangers this is the pilot speaking we'll be reaching JFK Airport in about 10 minutes please fasten your seat belt and thank you for flying with us. Welcome to New York.

I woke up from my nap I looked outside to see the beautiful view as we reached New York. As the plane reaches a complete stop I waited for everyone to get out as I put in my headphones and put it on shuffle. I began to walk over to baggage claim , and waited for the luggages to roll down to my section. As I started walking out of the airport with paparazzi's surrounded themselves at the entrance looking for celebrities to come out as I went to find the nearest taxi area, hoping they haven't spotted me yet. I'm still not that big so hopefully they won't notice I'm here. Walking over to the taxi area , a taxi quickly pulled up in front of me.

"Where to miss ?" The taxi driver asked.

"Four Seasons Hotel please." I said , as he began to drive off.

The scenery around New York was just so magnificent. As if all those movies filmed here looked exactly of how it was described. I've never really seen frost before so looking so crisp covering the ground. I didn't think New York could look any better than it did in movies but apparently I'm wrong.

As the taxi stopped in front of the hotel I paid him and went up to main desk.

"Hi , I'm Natalie , welcome to Four Seasons Hotel . How may I help you ?" The lady said.

"I'm booked under Selena Gomez"

"Ah yes Miss Gomez , here are your keys and the elevators are on your right" She said as she handed me the keys." I hope you enjoy your stay at the Four Seasons Hotel." She beamed with a smile.

"Thanks" I smiled as I made my way to the elevators until I reached the 43 floor. (A.N Okay I know this may seem too much and all but she didn't book this stay. Also I've never been to New York before so everything is based of Google.)


I walked out of the elevator I reaching a hallway with endless amount of doors. As I reached my room I swiped the key to step into a gigantic room that was probably bigger than my apartment. The room was huge. The living room was quite big with a wall separating it from the bedroom and through the bedroom there was a glass door so you can walk out to the porch.

You make me feel

Like I'm a livin a

Teenage dream

The way you turn me on

" Hello ?" I answered.

"Hey Sel , Welcome to New York"

"Hey Tay , thanks New York has been really welcoming."

"So, I have sometime now wanna go shopping with me ?"


"Ok , I'll come to your hotel to pick you up in 20 minutes."

"Sounds great , see you later."


With that she hung up the phone. I started unpacking taking out all cute winter and fall clothes. I brought enough for the whole month but , I guess New York is like the fashion city so I gotta dress to impress.

Knock knock knock

"Hey Taylor"

"Hey Sel , shall we go ?"

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