Chapter 18

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Quick little note : I forgot to tell you guys but this book is rated PG so there will be some swearing so if you're not comfortable with that then sorry but other than that happy reading :)

Also is anyone actually reading ? I get inconsistent reads so I'm not really sure , just leave me a comment or a like so I'll know :) -Sarah


Elbowing the person behind me and stomping on their feet with my heels I turned around to see it was Tyler.

"What the hell !" Tyler yelled as Dylan was there laughing and pointing at Tyler at who's was rubbing his ribs where I just elbowed him.

"What the hell Tyler !" I screamed "Why did you attack me !"

"I wanted to see you so I planed a trip to come see my sister and this is what I get ?!" He yelled while crossing his arms obviously still pissed that I elbowed him.

"You tried kidnapping me !"

"Don't be so over dramatic"

"I'm not !" I defended " Now I'm gonna ask you again why are you here ?"

"Well I said I -" he started before I cut him off.

"Don't give me that 'oh I missed you shit' I want the real reason." I said while crossing arms.

"Fine Dylan here " he pointed to Dylan "told me you were here alone so he might thought you want some company."

Turning around to shot a glared at Dylan who's there's standing there on the side laughing like crazy.

"Well I don't for your information !" I said while crossing my arms. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." This is supposed to be a mini vacation away from Tyler , not with him !

"Come on !!!" Tyler whined. "Cheer up I'm the life of the party"

"Yeah more like the one who kills the party." I retorted.

"Come on be nice" Dylan said. " For me." He pouted making a cute puppy face.

"Fine." I gave in. "But if you turn into crazy protective Tyler then I'm buying you a one way ticket home." I warned.

As Tyler nodded his head rapidly happliy agreeing.

"Let's go back to my hotel." I offered.

"Sure." They agreed.


We took the taxi back to Selena's hotel we talked about all types of random stuff. As we got out a paid the taxi driver Tyler and I stood there in awe as I see one of the most expensive hotel and also one of the tallest hotel in New York in front of me. We took the elevator to the 43 floor , It's so expensive here I couldn't believe that she's staying in this hotel. It must cost a fortune just for a night but for a few weeks ?!

When we entered into her room I stood there frozen from shock that this was actually her room.

"You're actually staying here ?!" Tyler blurted as soon as we entered the room.

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