Chapter 24

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Today was finally Christmas as we spent the over the past few days just hanging out and doing Christmassy things.

I woke up pretty earlier today since Selena came into my room jumping on my bed telling me it's Christmas.

"So are you ready for the prank ?" Selena asked as I came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah , I think."

"Okay let's go."

We went downstairs and headed to the kitchen where we were greeted with the smell of pancakes.

"Merry Christmas." I said as I walked in.

"Merry Christmas." They all said in unison.

I sat down at the dinning table where it was filled with pancakes , eggnog , cookies and more as I began to fill my plate I felt a buzz coming from my phone.

From : Selena
Let's wait till after breakfast before we start the prank.

I looked over at Selena and gave her a nod as she looked at Daniella for confirmation.


After breakfast Selena's parents had to go to a lunch party so it was just the five of us just sitting by the fireplace where the presents where. We decide to open presents from the people that are here and leave the rest for when Selena's parents get back.

"So who's opening them first ?!" Selena asked eagerly.

"Me !" Daniella said as she gathered all the presents and stocking that were for her.

Opening all her presents she got headphones and clothes from Tyler , a new phone and some shoes from Selena , and a necklace and matching bracelet from Derek. I didn't know what to get her so I simply just got her some CD by her favourite artists.

Everyone took their turns opening their presents until it was just me and Tyler who were left.

"You wanna open yours first ?" I asked Tyler.

I got a nudge from Selena reminding me about the prank still we haven't done.

"Actually I think I wanna go first. Do you mind ?"

"Uh no , sure go ahead." He said awkwardly.

I opened all my presents as I got some stuff from the Mets from Daniella , cool shirts from Derek as Tyler got me just a bunch of things I liked.

"My turn !" Selena said as she handed me my presents.

"Why are you always last ?" Tyler asked.

"Cause you always save the best for last and my presents are always good."

Opening Selena's presents I got some Mets stuff yet again , a popcorn container filled with all the season of Friends along a bunch of food.

"Thanks Selena." I said as I went to go her a hug.


"Oh calm down Tyler it's just a hug." Selena said as she pulled out from the embrace.

"It's finally your turn!" Daniella announced as she gave him all his gift.

Tyler opened all his presents as he realized there's something wrong with Daniella and Selena.

"Okay, time for my present !" Daniella announced.

"Okay ?" Tyler said unsurely.

"You're gonna be an uncle !" Derek and Daniella both told him as he sat there in shock.

Meant to BeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora