Chapter 27

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Three weeks has past since New Years Eve and during those weeks I haven't seen Selena. I've had those occasional days where's she'll text me telling how's she's been but she's been so busy with performances and interviews , she doesn't even have time to be on the show anymore.

Early this week I over heard Jeff talking about bumping Selena down since she's missing so many anyways there's wouldn't be much of a difference. I guess she was right she did get moved down eventually.

"Dylan !" I heard Tyler shout.

I stopped my tracks to face Tyler who was panting.

"Yeah ?"

"Selena just told me she was performing on Ellen today , you wanna come over and watch ?"

"Sure." I shrugged.


After our filming we went straight to Tyler's house as Holland , Colten and Daniel wanted to come too. They're all excited about seeing Selena performing since they didn't know that Selena was performing at the fashion show and were busy on New Years Eve.

We stopped along Walmart on the way to Tyler's grabbing some food and snacks so we can eat as we watched.


Once we all got into Tyler's house all of us huddled against the couch as Tyler turned on his Tv.

"Who's on the show today ?" Crystal asked.

"I think Anna Kendrick and Justin Bieber." Holland said unsurely.

"Beaver !" Tyler hissed.

"Dude chill." I said not wanting to get him fired up.

"Yeah , calm down. Holland's unsure anyways so it might not even be them." Daniel reasoned.

"Also it's Bieber by the way." Colten added.

"Don't care , and I don't want that kid near my sister anymore." Tyler spat.

After the whole break up situation , Tyler had to explain the whole thing to everyone who wonder why Selena would be in a mood during the first few days back which wasn't easy for him since its was his sister getting heartbroken but everyone understood his attitude towards Justin whenever he was mention. I didn't think anyone really knew Selena and Justin were dating but now everyone knows they did Teen Wolf.

Moments later the theme song started playing and everyone started to shut up.

It turns out it was actually Nicki Minaj and David Spade. So Tyler kept calm.

"David Spade everybody , when we come back Selena Gomez will be performing for us !"

It cut to commercial break as everyone started to chat among themselves.

To: Dylan :
From Selena :
Hey Dylan , where are you ? I haven't seen you in awhile I miss you :(

I felt like I was bursting with joy when Selena told me she missed me. I really hope we can develop something this year other than being friends.

To : Selena
From :Dylan
Aw I missed you too :) We're just chilling at Tyler's right now . Wanna meet up later ?

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