Chapter 32

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Over the past few weeks things have been rough on and off set. The first week was tough due to the lack of time we lost with Britt so Britt and I needed to start filming our scenes right away. Everything was chaotic, with everyone trying to make up for the lost time we've been filming non stop with or without breaks. Even with the breaks I haven't talked to Britt, at least not yet anyways.I've been avoiding her as much as possible, I haven't decided whether to forgive her or not.

 Many people say the past is what makes you the person today and but I don't believe that. How can being crushed by the one person you truly thought they liked you change you to the person you are today ?

Today was the day I finally get a break off from filming, and spend the day with friends, I haven't seen Tyler in a while so I decided to drop by his house. Normally the first I would do is go selena but sadly she's doing promo for her album so she's always out of town.

I looked over to the clock to see it was half past one and decided to it was time to go over to Tyler's house so, I hopped into my car, turned on my ignition and drove to Tyler's.


In about half an hour later I made it to Tyler's house.

I walked towards the front door and rung the doorbell to hopefully be meet by Tyler but nothing happened. The door didn't open and I didn't hear anyone coming to open the door, so I rang the doorbell a couple more times before I gave up and sat on the steps of his porch. I took out my phone and decided to text Tyler to see where he was to only see Tyler driving up his driveway.

"Tyler ! Where were you ?! I was here for a good ten minutes !" I complained

"Sorry I got caught up in something. I mean I would have texted you but I forgot."

I stood there glaring at tyler as he went to go open the door.

"So what's up ?" Tyler asked as he went over to the fridge to grab some water and sat down next to me.

"Nothing much filming, interviews, fittings, same old except this time with Brit." I sighed.

"Ah, I see how's she treating you ?"

"Like she wants the past erased and pretended nothing's happened. Doesn't she know the past can't be changed ?"

"Well, maybe cause she thinks that the love you guys had wouldn't change a thing."

"Wouldn't change a thing ?! That's funny i thought the thing we had was over as soon as she started smooching with the other guy."

"She's hoping you'll move past that."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Me moving past that the first girl I actually liked cheated on me with another guy ? Fat chance.

"How bout we talk about something else ?" Tyler suggested.

"Like what ?"

"I don't know. Why did you call me to hang out with you today ?"

"Cause you're my best friend." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah right, ever since Selena's came into the picture all you ever do is spend time with her."

"Not true !" I protested.

"No I'm right and you know it."

"Fine" I sighed. "Maybe you're right."

"Is it cause you have feelings for her ?" He asked.

Taken off guard by this question id never thought Tyler would ask me. I'm pretty sure if I told him the truth he'd kill me in a split second so for my own sake I better not.

"No." I lied.

"Are you sure ? You seem to be pretty comfortable around her." He pressed.

"No I'm sure." I said with a fake smile.

"Okay ..." He said unsure.

"Why does she like me ?" I asked hastily.

"I don't know. I'm not Selena. Go ask her yourself."

"No !"

"Why not ?"

"Because what if she doesn't like me back ? Then I'll make things awkward."

"So you do like her !"

"I didn't say that !" I shouted.

"Yeah but you were implying it. Just ask her. You'll never know." He shrugged.

"Why are you so calm about this ?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because I want her to be happy, and if she does like you and that's what makes her happy then so be it."

I looked at him like he had three heads and watched cautiously. He seems very calm about this. I didn't except this reaction coming from him since he was all on the "no dating my sister" thing and now that he was letting me see her more than a friend, this seems off.

"Okay " I nodded. "But would you see if she liked me first ?"

"No ! Be a man you've got this." He nudged.

"I got this ! I got this !" I chanted in my head. The next time I see Selena I'll tell her how I feel and hope for the best. If she doesn't feel the same way then I hope there wouldn't be any tension and everything would be the same but if she does then I'll be amazing.

"So you wanna get some pizza ?" Tyler asked snapping me out of my thoughts.


We spent the rest of the day catching up and watching sports. It was nice to finally spend some time with Tyler after all he's been right, I do spend majority of my time on set or seeing Selena, having Tyler's approval to ask Selena out is very unexpected, but I better do it before he changes his mind.

I'm so sorry for the wait, I've been focusing on school for the past month and well ... That didn't turn out well. I guess I'll be fixing up my grade in summer school so please don't hate me if I don't update !

Sorry the chapter was shitty I haven't proof read this chapter so there's probably a lot of error.

Tyler's letting Dylan ask out Selena now ? Hmmm what are your thoughts ?

Anyways thank you for reading this chapter and for everyone who voted in the last chapter :)

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