Chapter 19

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Here's a really cute chapter that I wrote for y'all and because I haven't really wrote a true dylena chapter I made sure it was extra long :)


I woke up in my room with the sun beaming through the windows as I got up to go to the bathroom , quickly doing my morning routine and went downstairs to see Tyler eating a bowl of cereal while watching Tv in the living room.

"Morning" I heard Tyler mumble while still focusing on the Tv.

"Hey" I said as I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself a bowl of cereal as well and went to go sit beside Tyler.


"So what are you gonna do today ?" Tyler asked while walking into the kitchen as I followed along.

"I don't know I still have the Mets ticket from Selena maybe I'll take her out."

Tyler abruptly stop and turned to stare at me in shock. Not realizing what I said.

"Take her out ?!"

"No ! I didn't mean it like that. I mean since she has her big performance tomorrow I'd figure why not take her mind of it." I explained quickly.

"Oh , well I guess that's ok but don't make any moves on her ! Even though you're my best friend it doesn't mean you can date my sister !" Tyler warned.

"Got it !" I said. "So what are you gonna do for the day ?"

"I don't know I've never really been here so I'm probably just gonna explore."

"Ok , don't get lost." I teased

"Haha very funny." Tyler said sarcastically as I brought out my phone to text Selena.

To : Selly
Are you busy today ?

Just as I was about to put my phone back in my pocket my phone lit up.

From : Selly
Nope , I have rehearsals till twelve after I'm free all day :)

Yes ! I mentally fist pump in my head as I get to spend the day with Selena !

To : Selly
Great I'll pick you up at one in front of your hotel ! See you later.

I replied as I saw the she was typing.

From: Selly
What are we doing ?

I quickly answered back as I realized Tyler was standing behind me reading my texts.

To : Selly
It's a surprise.

"Do you mind ?" I asked Tyler while still leaning over to read my texts. It's starting it get irritating with him breathing down my neck.

"Nope , not at all. Continue" Tyler gestured me back to my phone.

I quickly walked back into my room locking it so Tyler couldn't get in.

From : Selly
But then I won't know what wear :(

To : Selly
Just wear what you usually wear :)

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