Chapter 22

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I woke up in the morning from the sound of my alarm clock with the thoughts of yesterday  fresh in my mind. Quickly hopping off the bed to do my morning routine as I remember Taylor would come over and pick me up today.

I walked over to the bathroom to see my eyes are bloodshot red as my cheeks were red and puffy with patches of dried tears from all the crying . I quickly took a shower and brushed my teeth as I left to go get dressed.

*Ding Ding*

I went to go check on my phone to see that Taylor sent me a text telling me she was here. Rushing to get my shoes, I ran out the door to see the door was once again filled with paparazzi.

I ran to the car pushing through all the paparazzi and buckled in without a second thought and the car began to drive around the city.

"Hey Selena !" Taylor said from behind.

"Hi Tay" I said.

"What's wrong ?"


"Are you sure ? You don't look alright not sound alright either."

"Nothing , um can we go back to your house and just talk then please ?" I pleaded hopping she'll get my message.


The rest of the car ride was quiet as no one said a thing nor did anyone start a conversation , it was just simply just quiet with the radio in the background.

We reached Taylor's apartment moments later and headed inside to be engulfed by the smell of bake goods as Taylor baked a lot.

"I'll go get you a cup of tea." Taylor said while walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

A few minutes later she came out with two cups of teas and placed them down on the table as she sat on the couch.

"Selena , what's wrong ?"

I looked up to see her staring at me with a worried expression as I started to explain everything that happened last night after the fashion. By the time I reached to the end Taylor was fuming while I still had a few tears trickling down my face.

"Who the hell does he think he is ?!" She fumed.

"I-I don't know" I mumbled.

"Getting back together when the tours over ?! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Oh he's so dead !" She said while standing up

"Taylor don't !" I protested.
"I still like him."

"Aw Sel , don't cry he doesn't deserve your tears."

"He was the first boyfriend and my first love it kinda hard to forget him." I said while still sobbing.

"But you know what , there's plenty of guys waiting for you and actually deserve you. Remember Dylan ?" She asked.

"Yeah ?"

"Well you said he was sweet and one of the most funniest person ever. So why don't you get to know him better and you know maybe give it a try ?"

"But he's my brothers best friend. I can't do that he's like a brother to me."

"But you never know till you've tried it."

"Tyler's gonna kill me."

"Who cares he should be glad you're happy !" She assured.

"Maybe I'll give it a try. But it'll be awkward you know."

"Hey , don't judge my matchmaking skills."

"Fine , but maybe I want a closure from Justin first ?"

"Do what I do write a song." Taylor suggested.

"A song ?"

"Yeah , pour all your feelings into a song."

"That's a great idea ! Thanks Taylor !"

"That's what best friends are for." She said embracing me to a hug.


After awhile I left Taylor's apartment and began to start packing since I was leaving tomorrow.

I headed back to my hotel room started to pack my stuff as my mind wanders to the conversation I had with Taylor. Writing a song would be a good thing. It's a way where I can express my feelings and all emotions to where I can finally have a closure. I finished off packing everything except for the clothes I'm wearing tomorrow as my phone started to ring to see that's it's Tyler.

"Hello ?"

"Hey Selena."

"Yeah ? What's up ?"

"Don't forget we're leaving tomorrow to head back to LAX." He reminded.

"Yeah and I forgot to tell you Dylan's coming back with us to spend Christmas with us."

"Since when ?"

"Since now. I asked him a few weeks ago and he was skeptical at first but I got him to agree to it." I said cheerfully.

"Why ? Doesn't he spend Christmas here ?"

"Tyler don't be rude. He's spending it alone and I insisted he come with us."

I heard him mumble some incoherent words to the phone.

"Come on Tyler. Daniella's bringing her boyfriend over anyways."

"What wait ?"

"Yeah didn't you know ?" I asked with a wicked grin even though he can't see me.

"No." He grumbled.

"See then come on what's one more gonna do ? Beside he's your best friend."

"But I thought his family was just here that's why."

"Well he's not and I'm tired so go to sleep."

"Okay night Selena."

"Night Tyler."

I thee my phone on my bed and got out my journal to started to write a song. I wrote about half the song by after hours of writing I started doze off and fell asleep.

Sorry for that awkward ending I didn't know how to stop it.

Sorry it's short I'll make the next chapter a little longer.

I'm so glad to finally announce that this is the wrap of the cliche story as I start to make my own twists :)

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