Chapter 21

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Warning : This chapter will contain swearing . If you're not comfortable with that sorry :/


Nervously was an
understatement right now. The words 'we need to talk' usually isn't something you want to hear. Especially from your boyfriend. We began walking towards the back where the more secluded area was.

Standing in silence for a few moments. Justin decided to speak up.

"So Sel ..."

"Yeah ?" I asked nervously

"I think we need a break."

My heart stopped beating as I felt the whole world stop.

"W-what ?" I managed stuttered out.

"I'm going back on tour soon and we can't keep doing this anymore. We don't have time for each other. We should just take a break."

"Why ? We were just fine before why can't we do it again !"

"Selena , I'm gonna be gone longer this time ! It won't work."

"No ! This has to work ! We can do this. Please don't leave me Justin." I pleaded not wanting to look him in the eye. I didn't want him to see me cry knowing this is already hard for him.

"I-I can't."

"You can't or you don't want to"

"Selena ..."

"That's what I thought."

Tears started to stream down my face as I realized there's nothing that can change his mind.

"Justin please. I'll go on tour with you , don't do this !"

"That would be selfish Selena. Me taking you away from your family and friends I won't do that .But don't worry , when I come back and you still feel the same about us , maybe we can make this work."

"Yeah right." I scoffed at ridiculousness. "Everything would be different."

"Come on Selly , I'm just trying to put out the bright side." He said trying to lighten up the mood.

"Don't call me that only people who cares about me can call me that ! I hate you!" I screamed as I ran off.

"You know I don't wanna do this to you." Justin said as he grabbed my arm.

"Then why are you ?"

"Because I'm just thinking about how hard it would be for us !"

"You think you're doing what's best for us ?!


"Fine then please enlighten me."

"I'm doing this because I love you !"

I stood there staring at him in shock.

"Please Sel." He said looking into my eyes. "This is for your own good. It'll be so hard for you and I don't want to see you disappointed when I can call you or even text you."

Own good ?! Who does he think he is trying to do what's best for me ?

Wiggled out of his grasp , and quickly ran through the front door as I took a glance behind me. I saw him standing there with nothing but sadness and guilt in his eyes. I ran down the streets avoiding all paparazzi's as I bumped into someone causing me to stumble back a bit.

"Hey Selena !" I heard a unison of familiar voices say as I turn to look up to see Tyler and Dylan grinning from ear to ear as their smile soon falter.

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