Chapter 30

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I haven't talked to Dylan for the past few weeks ever since I found out that I like him and , when I go talk to him things have been really embarrassing. Last time I went out with him, we went to In and Out and my drink spilled all over me , adding on to make it even better I was wear a white top so if that wasn't embarrassing enough my top was see through.

I don't know how to act around him. Things have changed and it's weird for me because usually I'm not this clumsy with guys and Im never care about what anyone thinks. Except now.

I decided I needed help in my dilemma so I called Taylor to come over and help me since she was in town for the week.

Ding Dong

"It's open !" I shouted from the living room. I didn't bother to shut it since most of the people in the building were famous so they have a lot of security.

Taylor came into view as I stood up to give her a hug before she joined me on the couch.

"Selena , you shouldn't leave the door unlocked." Taylor scowled.

"The building has tons of security anyways plus everyone here's mostly famous anyways so it's fine."

Taylor shot me a glare as I put my arms up in surrender.

"I'll lock it next time okay ? Now I have a problem."

"What is it ? Music ? Media ? Boys ?!"

I nodded my head while looking down while quickly mumbling "the last one."

"Selena speak up."

"I gave boy problems I think I like Dylan." I said a little louder.

"Selena you're mumbling speak up:"

" I have a crush on Dylan." I screamed while looking down at my hands as they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"What ?! Oh my gosh , I knew this would happen. I'm so happy for you ! Now you lets go tell him so I can plan your wedding and so you can live your happily ever after an- " She rambled.

"Taylor." I whined.

"Wait ..." She said with a pause." I told you that you'd fall for Dylan." She squealed while giving me a 'I told you so face'.

"It's not that easy. I feel so awkward with him now." I admitted.

"What do you mean awkward ?"

"I mean we can't have a conversation without having an awkward pause or me just being clumsy and messing everything up."

"Aw Selena are you in love ?" She teased.

"What no ! I mean I just started to like him how do I know , I love him if I haven't even went on a date with him yet. Oh you're the lo-"

"Selena stop. You're rambling and I'm just kidding Sel. But I think you're feelings for Dylan are stronger than Justin's. I know you and Justin were together for a while but you guys did have times where you'd fight and be on and off but where as with Dylan you seem more comfortable with him."

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