Chapter 5

210 7 2

January 14th, 2022

Jade POV

I was still on the porch, sitting on the handrail smoking. The boner had gone down but I don't want to go back in there just yet, I don't know what they'll think of me, like I'm a freak? Or a weirdo? Who knows.

"Hey," I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Leigh-Anne was here. "Hey," I said shortly offering a box of cigarettes avoiding her eyes and she just replied with a short "I'm good,".

"You're embarrassed are you?" she asked and I just nod.

"You don't have to, you know, it's not a big deal to them-" I cut her off before she finished. "Yeah but what about Perrie though, I don't want to offend her or anything, and I don't know what just happened back there, you know how I am with girls, it was never been like this, ever,".

"She's not taking any offense, she actually felt bad thinking she went too far, so just stop this nonsense okay, where the Jade I knew? Bring her back again will you, because I like that jade, she's so laid back, cool, and sarcastic meanwhile, this jade is an insecure overthinker. I get it that you spent too much time at work but we're at a party Jade, enjoy it, let's party like old times, I miss my sister, my crazy savage sister, just have some fun okay," she said and that makes me feel better that Perrie doesn't take any offense.

Speak of the devil, Perrie was approaching us "Hey guys" smiling at the both of us. "I'll leave you guys alone, remember what I just said Jade," Leigh-Anne said before she went back inside.

"Hey look, I'm so sorry about earlier, I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me or anything because I have no idea why that just happened," I tried to explain. "It's fine," she said like that was literally nothing. "It's just a boner. Plus I've seen worse than that so no harm done," smiling at me assuring me that she was really fine. Not gonna lie but this girl is something else, many girls would take that as an offense.

"I'm still sorry though, that was still inappropriate, do you smoke?" I offered. "Okay apology accepted if you are still sorry about it, but no, I'm a singer so I don't, but what I do need right now is a heavier drink," that reminds me

"I brought a nice bourbon and a tequila if you want, I gave it to Leigh-Anne," I said stomping on my cigarettes that almost went out.

"Ohh nice choice, but I was thinking of a vodka, I'm out of vodka before I even have a sip so, I mean I had a feeling that I should've bought more vodka yet here I am," she said laughing a bit and I did too.

"You like Ciroc vodka?" I asked remembering my stash in my car. "Oh, hell yeah I do, it's my favorite actually," she replies excitedly.

"Come with me," and with that, I took her hand, well more like dragging her. "Ohh okay," she said giggling not fighting me on it and just letting me guide her walking towards my car.

"Wow, this your car? Goddamn, it's gorgeous," she said as I open the lock with the remote liking my baby.

I took the blue Ciroc out of the compartment and close the door before locking it.

"Here you go," handing her the bottle. "Aha, I like you already, but why are you keeping bottles of alcohol drinks in your car though?" She said implying that I would drink and drive like a teenager without actually saying it. I can tell by the looks on her face.

"I'm not going to drink alcohol while driving like some teenagers that's what your thinking. I just keep them there so if I went somewhere where I have to bring alcohol and I forget about it I can just grab it from my car. I do that in all my cars too," I explained but she have this look on her face that I can't read before answering me "Well okay then, let's get back to our friends,".

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