Chapter 21

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December 8th, 2022

Flashback earlier that day

Jade POV

There was not much to do at the office and I was thinking of leaving early. I already had a meeting today in the morning, and all of the work and I was bored out of my mind.

I got out of my office and went to anne's desk. "Anne, do I really have nothing else to do? I did all my work already and I have nothing else to do now. Give me something,"

Anne looked up and chuckled at me "well you're welcome to help me with my work because you have nothing else today. I can't move your schedule either so,"

"Ugh, I'm so bored right now, I was there literally just sitting down playing candy crush, what am I gonna do now?" and just then my phone rang. "Be right back,"

I answered the phone without looking who it was.


"Hey baby, I need your help, like ASAP,"

"Oh babe hi, sorry I didn't see it was you, what's up? What do you need me for?"

"It's fine but I just got my period and I realized that I have no tampon so can you please go to the store and buy me one? But you need to hurry before my blood went dripping on the floor,"

"Wait no, don't go dripping on the floor. I'll go now. Just hold it in until I get there,"

"Hold it in?! It's not pee Jade, I can't hold it in. Just hurry,"

"Okay, I'm on my way,"

Then I hung up the phone.

"Anne I'm gonna go now, Perrie needs me to go get something," then I hurry to the car.

I was pulling off the parking space when some crazy car drove really fast on the road almost hitting my car. "Hey watch it you son of a bitch!" I shout even though the car kept going.

If he scratched my car I'm gonna hunt him since I bring my baby today. Wait, what am I supposed to buy again? Shit I forgot.

I got to the store and tried to call perrie but she wasn't answering. Damnit. Come on Jade, remember. Fuck, all I remembered was she needs something for her period.

I got to the women needs isle and I have no idea what to buy. I read one by one but still don't know which one she needs until I got frustrated. "Fuck, this is confusing. Which one is it?!"

"Excuse me miss?" I turned to the person and saw a middle aged woman holding a kid. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't help but overheard you. You were struggling right? Let me help you," she said but continued while looking at the isle. This is embarrassing. I'm a woman looking confused with all of this.

"Where's your mom kiddo? I'm guessing this is your first period?," oh she thought it was me. Ugh this was embarrassing. Damn you for picking the phone Perrie.

"Oh no, it's not for me, you see I was born uhm intersex. I'm still a girl but uhm," I glanced at the kid then back to the woman. "I was born with a pee-pee, a male genitalia. I actually need this for my girlfriend. She needs it ASAP but the thing is, I forgot what it was she needs and she's not picking up her phone," she chuckled at my nervousness.

Then she explained what each type do so I thank her before choosing. Not exactly choosing because I bought each types and sizes. Then I proceeded to go to the cashier to continue my suffering of embarrassment from people weird look, cashier's question, etc before going to Perrie's apartment.

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