Chapter 13

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June 17th, 2022

Perrie POV

"So yeah, it will be on Spotify soon and I really hope you guys like it," I said in my Instagram live as I walked inside Jade's house. She has been acting weird lately so I'm here to come and see if she's okay. I think something was bothering her, I'm just hoping she wasn't mad at me because she had just been distant towards me. Also, she wasn't the type of person who can open up about their feelings either, let's just say she's not an easy person to crack.

"Pez? What are you doing here? Oh, you're on a call sorry," she said to me as she came down the stairs. "Oh no, I'm not on a call, it's an Instagram live. it's like a video and everyone can see it as long as I still do it, remember when I told you that?

"Uh yeah, I remember but I still have no idea what that means," I just chuckled, she was an old man, literally.

I read the people's comments and they wanted to see Jade. You see, I mentioned Jade's name many times but the media doesn't know what she looks like. She's private and I don't want her to feel pressured or exposed or anything from the media, that's why I've never shown Jade's face.

People especially the fans knew that Jade was my friend and they knew we were so close. The fans have been asking me to see Jade's face for the past few months now but I don't know if Jade wanted to.

"But I'm here to hang out with you, so I brought lunch, I have cookies too since I know how much you're obsessed with them," she smiled as I mentioned cookies.

"Oh by the way, I've been meaning to ask you this, do you mind if people see your face? I mean the fans have been asking me forever but it's okay if you don't want to though, I get it if you like to keep things private and all," I said actually anxious about asking this. She doesn't even let people know that she is the CEO of her company and also because Angry Jade is not a pretty sight.

"Uh no, it's okay come here. I mean I know that I will have to show my face somehow, with you being a celebrity and all," and with that I introduced Jade to the people.

We continued to live for a while before ending it so that I could talk to her as to why I was here in the first place. "So umm, yes I'm here to hang out with you, but that's not the only reason...are you mad at me or something? Did I do something to piss you off? Because you've been weird towards me lately, you've been distant from me. Like you don't feel comfortable to be around me. What is it," she sighed rubbing her forehead. "Perrie...I'm not mad at you okay? You didn't do anything to piss me off," she said not looking at me and that was just not Jade. She was just the most mysterious person I've ever known I swear.

"Well then what is it? Because you are being normal with the others and it's just me you being weird too, so tell me what did I do wrong?" I said facing her and she looks kinda pissed off right now but I don't care because it was very clear that it has something to do with me.

"Perrie I already told you that you didn't do anything wrong, can we just drop it because I don't wanna talk about it," she said now facing me and starting to raise her voice. I don't get it why is it so hard for her to tell me?

"Jade, I get it that you like to bottle up your thoughts and all but we have been friends for months now, we even became best friends. Why is it so hard for you to tell me? I'm just trying to help, let me help you, talk to me," I said and I could see that she starting to get mad.

She got up just a few feet In front of me rubbing her face looking frustrated and mad. "I said I don't want to talk about it.  And you can't help me either alright? You can't. You just can't, now please drop it or just leave already," she said turning around so that her back is facing me now.

"Well, how do you know that when you didn't give me a chance? I told you many times that it's not good to bury your feelings Jade and no I'm not going to leave until you tell me what the fuck is going on. I don't get it, we were just fine and now you're acting like this. I'm your best friend, Jade, why can't you just tell me?

"Because I'm in love with you!!" she turned around and shouted at me which made me jump. "There I said it. You wanted the truth right? Then there's the truth, I love you as more than a friend. I am so in love with you, Perrie," Wait what? She loves me? What?

" love me? But...what?" I don't know what to say or think right now.

Jade POV

I think I broke her. Ever since I met her I have never seen her speechless, ever. She always knows what to say or do yeah I broke her.

Not gonna lie as soon as I said it I felt so relieved but I am so scared right now. I knew she didn't feel the same way but I'm afraid it's going to be different from now on because that was the last thing I wanted.

"I love you, I think I have been for a while now. I mean I knew I liked you since we met and I didn't act on it because you just broke up with Zayn. I just realized that I love you recently, I was in denial but Lauren made me realize. That's why I have been acting weird. Everything you do or say just made me fall for you even more," I said and she just stared at me blinking here and there.

"Perrie say something, please. Anything," I said sitting down on the couch beside her putting my hand on her knee. She looked at my hand that was on her knee then back to my face "Umm... I uhh... how did- never mind. I'm so sorry I have to go," she got up and walked up to the front door. "Perrie wait-" I said catching up with her but she was so fast and just got into her car.

I watch her drive off from the porch and I think I screwed up. I shouldn't have said anything. I should just stay quiet. I really hope I didn't lose her. Am I going to lose her? I've never been more scared in my life than now. Damn it what have I done!

Chapter 13


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