Chapter 12

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May 26th, 2022

Perrie POV

I had finished recording at the studio and right now Camila and I are in my car heading to Leigh-Anne's apartment.

"So, is there anything new that Jade pulled lately? Like I don't know, taking you to dinner or maybe proposed to you?" She joked. You see, Camila thought that Jade liked me romantically which was ridiculous because she can't be. Even if she does, she would've told me already. I mean Jade was a blunt person, she would say what was in her mind no matter if it was good or bad. She doesn't even care if she hurt them in the process because she thinks that people should know the truth even if it means they would hate her. So no, I don't think Jade likes me.

"Mila, she doesn't like me okay? Stop assuming things. Even if she does, she would tell me because you know Jade is a blunt person. Me and her are just best friends that's all," I said, trying to make her stop this nonsense.

"Well you, me, and Leigh are best friends but do you see us do the things she did? No. We love you, care about you, and would do anything for you but we don't do what Jade does. All I'm saying is, pay attention Pez, the way she looks at you is not how you look a friend, or how she would do anything just to see you smile, or how she always smiles everytime you're happy when you aren't looking. She likes you. Hell, she probably loves you already," okay what Camila said makes sense but it was just not possible. Jade doesn't like me that way. We asked Leigh but she doesn't want to tell us anything because she thinks it would be biased since Jade is her sister and I'm her best friend.

We continued to argue over this and made our way to Leigh-Anne's.

So sorry for the mistakes.
This was supposed to be a short chapter for perrie's POV. Hope you like it.

Sorry again

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