Chapter 26

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March 3rd, 2023

Jade POV

It was Camila's birthday and Perrie, Leigh, Andre and I had been trying to find Lauren for a whole day but we couldn't find her anywhere. I called everyone that I could think of yet none of them could find her. I called her family back in Miami, I called Dinah and Normani, everyone.

Camila didn't want a party for her birthday, she said it was weird to have a party without Lauren. She said the day she broke up with Lauren she didn't just lose a girlfriend, she lost a best friend too. so we basically just drank and talked. We tried our best not to inform Camila that Lauren was missing cause it would make her feel bad even more than she already did.

I got a call from Normani so I excuse myself away from Camila.

"Hey Mani, any news yet?"

"No, but I have an idea that you're not going to like"

"Do I even dare to ask?"

"Well, I'll tell you anyway. You see, I just remembered something. Camren always have a place that only they know about, It's like their special place. it's like a cliff or something. They went there quite often back then and I think they found a place in New York too so there's a possibility that Lauren went there,"

"So what are you suggesting?"

"You gotta tell Camila because who knows what could happen to Lauren. She does stupid things when it comes to Camila so if Lauren went there, then Camila was the only one that could find her,"

"Oh gaddamn it. I'll go tell Camila,"

"Okay keep me updated,"

"Okay thanks, Mani,"

After I hung up the phone, I went back to Camila's living room where all of them were sitting. "Mila, uh...there is something I have to tell you,"

She looked up at me concerned. "Yeah what's up Jade?"

All of them knew what I meant so they all looked at me like I'm nuts to tell Camila about this. Perrie then whispered in my ear "Jadey what are you doing?"

"Mani called me, she said there is a big chance that Lauren went to a place that only her and Camila knew about, so this is the only way," I whispered back and Camila looked at us suspiciously.

"Look, Mila, I didn't want to tell you about this since I don't want to ruin your birthday and all but Lauren is missing," she furrowed her eyebrow looking worried.

"What do you mean she's missing?"

"Well, she has been a wreck after the breakup so we have been making sure she doesn't do anything she'd regret. The last few days she got even worse and we last saw her yesterday and I think it has something to do with your birthday. We couldn't find her anywhere and we have contacted everyone but nobody knows where she is. Mani called just a few seconds ago and she mentioned that you and Lauren always have a special spot that only you both know about, so is there any place she could possibly be right now?" she then went quiet to think for a second.

"Well there is this spot in Verkeerder Kill Falls that Lauren and I used to go. It's almost 2 two-hour drive from here but are you sure she went there? What if she's not there? Or something happened to her? Oh this is all my fault. Oh my god what have I done?" She started panicking.

The girls went to her, comforting and assuring Camila that everything would be okay. "Don't blame yourself now, we have to focus and I'm not sure she's there but there's only one way to find out so let's go," and with that we drove to their special place.

The whole ride Camila was trying to hold her tears but failed miserably. She was scared that something might've happened to Lauren. We saw Lauren's car parked there which made us ease up a bit.

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