Chapter 8

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Jade POV

We were talking, sharing stuff, and playing games and there was even a make-out session between the two Latina girls. Camila and Lauren of course.

Right now Perrie is on the porch with Leigh and Camila, she said she needed fresh air but I saw her face. Stress and sadness written all over her face. I'll join her later to see if I can get her to cheer up.

"Oh, jade can I smoke in here? I would go outside but the girls are talking there so," Lauren asked me, so she smokes too.

"Oh yeah go ahead. Just not weed though, we can't do that when Leigh is around, she would kill me. But good idea though because I could use a cigarette right now," I said pulling out my cigarette out of my pocket.

So Andre, Lauren, and I smoked a few talking about this and that before Camila and Leigh came without Perrie. I took a look at Perrie and from where I was sitting I could see that she was leaning her arms on the handrail while staring into nothing but thin air. Clearly, something was bothering her.

I got up and got two cold beers before going to her. "Hey, here," handing out the beer before lighting a cigarette. She took it and answered me with a short "thanks" and then back to staring at nothing but thin air.

"What's with the sorrowful face?" puffing a smoke. "Nothing, it's just going to be the first time I spend Valentine's Day without Zayn since I was 16 you know. I just don't get it, we were just fine and then suddenly the same day you and I met when I was at the airport, he dumped me saying 'It's not you, it's just that I found someone else' over a text. Can you believe it? At least grow some balls to say it to my face asshole," Sipping her beer.

"Listen, I have never met Zayn or know anything about him but I know one thing. He is a coward and the stupidest person I know from not seeing how amazing you are. I mean we knew each other just recently and I could already see how much of an amazing girl you are. You are a strong, independent, smart, kind, bubbly, and beautiful person. Inside and out. Forget about him, if he didn't see what I see in you then it's his loss,"

"Thanks that was very nice of you but do you really mean that?" she said which I replied "Yeah I do, and I never lie" sipping my beer. All those things I said were true, I saw all those things.

"Thanks, Jade" and I just nod my head

I have an idea to cheer her up

"Hey look, I was planning to just work and then watch some movies at home but how about this, We both have no one to spend Valentine's with and basically no plan so what if we spend it together? not as couples but just friends who celebrate Valentine's Day together, what do you think?". I know I probably shouldn't say friends if I don't want to be in the friend zone but it's not about me right now. I just want to see her happy again.

"Well it's just-" she paused for a bit "Wait what?" she turned her attention from my front yard to me, now I got your attention. I really hope she would say yes. One, it would take her mind off that son of a bitch, two I hope it would make her happy, and three, she would have a little sneak peek of how it feels like to be with someone who actually appreciates her.

"Well I mean, you look like you're so disturbed by being alone on Valentine's Day for the first time in a long time and it's my company, I can show up whenever I want to. Also, I want to cheer you up. Come on it'll be fun. What do you think?" she had a long pause. Serious woman, answer me already.

"You'd do that for me?" she looked like she wanted to cry and I had no idea if it was a good one or not. "Yeah, I hate to see you like this, I just want you to be back to your happy self, that's all,"

"Jade that is so sweet, I mean I'm sorry for being all weepy and needy but thank you, you don't have to do that for me," she hugged me for a while as she said that.

A girl got a hug, that's progress. Nice work Jade.

"I know I don't, but I want to, so?"

She smiled at me and her smile was different this time, good different. "I mean, yeah sure let's do it. Thank you again, it means a lot to me,"

Asked her out? Mission accomplish, well-ish, as friends but still counts.

"Now that I got you happy again, let's get back inside before Andre or Lauren starts making a dirty comment about us, also Camila mentioned about watching a movie so," I said. "Yeah okay let's go. And thank you again, Jade," she smiled and that's enough for me. "You're welcome again, come on,"  and then we continued to hang out with the others.


Right now almost all of us are drunk. What can I say, you can't stay sober after drinking a really expensive bourbon. And tequila. I mean I'm buzzed myself, just a little bit though, and even then it's because they decided to team up on me on a drinking game. I know, like teenagers but what can I say? I love drinking games. It's much more fun than just drinking and talking. I drank more than any of the others yet I'm more sober than them. Well except for Lauren, I'm a little bit more sober than her but it's still nice to have a heavyweight in a group of lightweights.

Right now Leigh-Anne and Andre are eating each other's faces off, and Camila and Perrie are dancing sexily, I had to actually hold myself to not dancing with them. I meant Perrie of course. I mean think about it, you have a girl that you're crushing on dancing sexily in your house and I'm talking about Megan Fox sexy.

"Can't stop staring at her huh?" I heard someone snapping me out of thoughts.

I shook my head before looking at the source of the voice. "What?" I said and of course, it's Lauren. She laughed a little but before slapping my knee getting up "Come on,". "What? Where?" she didn't answer me, she just kept walking so I followed her to the kitchen.

"So, Perrie huh," she said leaning back to the kitchen cabinet after getting a beer out of the fridge. Yeah, there's no way she knows. "What are you talking about?" please don't catch me trying to deflect the question.

"Oh please don't pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about you liking Perrie," oh shit she knows.

"What? I don't see her that way," I seriously didn't know why I kept denying it but it was an instinct okay?

She rolled her eyes at me "Yeah and I'm the president of America, sure," she said to me sarcastically. Okay so she's sarcastic too, I like it.

"Okay first, sarcastic much? And alright you caught me. Yes, I like Perrie. Don't tell anyone though," I said to her leaning on the kitchen cabinet beside her and watching our friends.

"Don't worry I won't, but I say go for it, you don't want to get friend-zoned. But give her a bit of time, she just got dumped after a long-term relationship," yeah no shit Sherlock. "Yeah I know, Leigh-Anne told me but I can't help it. She's just amazing you know. She's sarcastic, a badass, a cutie, bubbly, a Ray of sunshine, smart, really pretty, and very sexy too. She's almost too good to be true," I said and she just smiled at me before looking at Camila. "Yeah, I know I used to think that way about Camz too, and still am. I mean nobody knew I was gay, I didn't know I was gay, well ish. I used to think I was bisexual but now I know that I'm gay for Camila only. So yeah I think you go for it. Don't want to give her mixed signals," she really loves Camila but bitch got a point. "Thanks, Laur, I'll see what I can do,"

"Yeah, well let's get back before one of them starts to strip naked," she said patting my knee. "Right, let's go," and then we join the others. We danced, drank even more, etc.

Chapter 8 guys!

What do you guys think? I hope you all like it and thank you so much for the suggestion I really appreciate it.

Peace ✌️

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