Gay mfs raise dragons

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"Today, I have something incredible to show you!1!!1!1" JJ announced proudly. He had his dumb friend Mikey with him. He was so dumb that he didn't even know 2 + 2.

"What could it possibly be?1?1?1?" Mikey said, not even noticing the eggs that were right fucking there next to him. He was so dumb.

"Can you guess what these are?" JJ challenged, finally showing Mikey the eggs that were one inch away from him. Since Mikey had -1.2M IQ, this would he very hard for him to figure out.


"Go on" JJ urged after one millisecond of Mikey saying it.

Mikey was about to answer, but then he remembered that terrible time from his childhood when his turtle parents disowned him for being trans and gay for JJ, and dumped him onto the land and abandoned him. Mikey got distracted and forgot to answer in time, which was inevitable because JJ was an impatient mf anyway.

"They're dragon eggs" He answered himself. He hated having to educate Mikey everytime and guide him through everything, but that was the cost that came with overpowering someone with 1.2M IQ and trapping them in the jjsment and forcing them to be dumb for videos. With great power comes great responsibility, as his dad that left to get the milk had always said. JJ teared up at the thought of his dad that had been absent in his life since the age of seven, but he ignored his feelings and carried on for the video. He needed to be strong.

Plus, the last time he tried venting to Mikey about his fatherlessness, he just said for him to walk to the supermarket and find him in the milk aisle. JJ had gotten offended and threw Mikey to the zombies at night, and he had relished the noise of Mikey's flesh being torn apart. Mikey had screamed when JJ walked away casually.

That happened yesterday, but JJ forced Mikey to forgive him and move on. Otherwise, JJ would have not fed him for 100 days. Try to survive 100 days without food challenge. Mikey didn't want to do the challenge so he forgave JJ.

"I was about to say that" Mikey defended himself, but it was no use. The viewers already thought Mikey was dumb forever. He would never be able to redeem himself.

JJ then proceeded to explain the science of dragon eggs, but Mikey didn't really care, since he already knew the science of everything. He was even smarter than Sid the Science Kid. When he got done, JJ set one of the eggs on fire.

"JJ STOP AS A VEGAN I ORDER YOU TO NOT EAT EGGS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!1!1!1!!1!1!!!!!" Mikey screamed. But it was no use. JJ was already making his scrambled eggs. Mikey broke down in tears because JJ was killing animals again.

But suddenly, JJ revealed that he wasn't killing it and that it was necessary for hatching the egg. Mikey recovered from his mental breakdown and watched as JJ put water around the blue egg. Now, all they had to do was wait for the eggs to hatch. The whole time, Mikey had to wrangle JJ back because he was getting hungry.

But soon, JJ settled down. He had eaten a chunk of Mikey's intestine to satisfy his hunger. Even though Mikey was now bleeding internally, he needed to be strong for the video.

Mikey observed the fire egg. "I wonder if he'll look more like me or you...." He said, having intrusive thoughts of JJ with hot abs, and he and Mikey raising the dragons together in a mansion while they made out.

"He's not our child Mikey, he's a dragon....." JJ said, weirded out by Mikey's mindset. Mikey felt his world shatter as he realized that he would have no chance with a hot speedrunner like JJ.

"Oh, yeah" He said defeatedly.

They had to wait longer. But soon, the fire egg hatched. JJ got excited as he stared at his meal I-I-I mean pet.

JJ made the baby dragon go on his shoulder. Now he had a sidekick. Mikey got jealous because his own egg didn't even hatch yet.

"Maybe I'll raise this one myself!!!" JJ declared happily.

"How nice...." Mikey sneered out of jealousy. It was not fair that JJ got to have a best friend but not him.

The minutes went by and Mikey's egg still wasn't hatching.

"HATCH ALREADY!1!!1!1!1!1!1!!" Mikey screamed at the egg. But it was no use, the egg didn't like hi- oh nvm, a blue dragon was born

Mikey wanted the baby dragon to ride on his shoulder so he could be better. He chased the youngling across the platform, but he wouldn't comply.

"wHY WON'T YOU RIDE ON MY-" Mikey almost snapped. The baby dragon sensed his frustration and finally complied. Mikey got happy because he was now better than JJ.

"Hey buddy~" Mikey said creepily. The dragon got scared but didn't move out of fear that Mikey will snap again. Him and JJ celebrated their ownership of the minors.

"Hey Mikey, they're a little small, aren't they?" JJ observed. "We don't want to get called pedophiles, so we need to make our minors grow"

"How?????1?" Mikey wondered out of curiosity. He didn't even know what a pedophile was. Poor Mikey.

JJ got food, and started feeding his minor. It grew until it became eighteen. JJ kept feeding it, until it became a successful adult.

JJ's dragon got a promotion in New York. With that, he packed his things and moved to New York for business. JJ cried for his dragon, but it flew away to start a new life. He would abandon JJ become a successful businessman.

Meanwhile, Mikey still had a minor.

JJ considered exposing Mikey for pedophilia in the animation meme and warrior cats community, since it was really easy to do that in those fandoms. All he had to do was make fake evidence and make a video, and Mikey's reputation would be damaged for good. But he didn't act on it since he still needed Mikey to make him cash for his channel. Maybe after.

Mikey tried to copy JJ and feed his minor.

"You like that huh~" He said, sounding creepy without meaning to. Poor Mikey. His minor kept eating until it became an adult just like JJ's dragon. With that, Mikey mounted his pet. But suddenly, his dragon flew away at the speed of light. Mikey screamed as he soared into the sky.

But soon, Mikey started to enjoy flying in the sky with his pet. JJ got jealous that Mikey got to fly and not him, and so he ran to New York to find his dragon. It took a long time, but JJ managed to get into the sky with Mikey.

"Let's cause chaos for no reason" JJ conspired evily. Mikey agreed to his plan. They caused chaos to mobs, before discovering a Pillager Base. They burned it and iced it to the ground. Merry fucking Christmas.

But then, JJ made another plan. He and Mikey would go to The End on their dragons and defeat The Ender Dragon. It was his best idea yet!1!1!1!!1!!1!1!1!

Mikey instantly agreed to his plan because he had to, and they ventured to the end.

But as soon as The Ender Dragon saw the dragons, she gapsed in surprise.

"My kids!1!1!!1!1!1!" She shouted.

"Mom!1?1?1??1!1!1!1!" The dragons shouted in unison.

"Wait no" The ice dragon said. "JJ and Mikey are our parents. They raised us"

The fire dragon nodded in agreement.

"No you don't understand!1!1!" The Ender Dragon exclaimed. "JJ stole your guys' eggs for a video, and I've been worried sick ever since!1!1!!1"

The dragons gasped as they realized the shocking truth. JJ was evil this whole time. They flung JJ and Mikey off of them and sped to their mom. They reunited.

JJ and Mikey fell into the nothingness and died. They respawned in The Overworld. JJ raged over his loss and kicked Mikey in the balls, only to realize that Mikey didn't have balls.


Mikey screamed and ran. JJ chased him. The end™.

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