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While flying a helicopter to MrBeast's house to demand ransom, JJ got hungry and ate the engine, and he and Mikey soared down to the artic. They crashed and now they were stranded.

"This is all your fault!!!" JJ accused as soon as they landed. "Because your greedy ass ate the engine, now we're gonna f r e e z e to death!!!!"

JJ was starting to get hungry again. To escape him, Mikey distracted him by pointing out a ship that was conveniently there. But when they ran to it, it was stuck in the ice.

"Looks like we're staying in the cold for eight months...." JJ said ominously. "From december until summer... mhm oh yeah..."

"JJ don't start singing this video was literally posted in may it already is fucking summer we're just in the wrong biome" Mikey corrected smartly. JJ went to slap him, but suddenly, his hand froze mid air.

This was bad. Usually when something opposed JJ's slapping, he got cannibalistic. He tried to eat the air, but it was too strong. JJ became a jjsicle.

While his bf was frozen, Mikey took the chance to run. But the sight of JJ's prey running from him gave him strength, and jjsicle became JJ again. He chased his food. Mikey screamed as he ran on his short ahh legs. Maybe he should've just used his Minecraft skin like JJ, because now JJ had the ultimate advantage.

But before he could dig into his prey, they suddenly found a house under snow. They uncovered it, and Mikey screamed in joy at the thought of food. JJ didn't need to because he had food right in front of him. But they went inside anyway.

"Ladies first" JJ said, and Mikey started screaming and crying and snorting and dying at his bf's transphobia. He ran inside the house and tried to lock JJ out, but he phased through the door. Mikey screamed in defeat and they began to search the house.

Soon, they found food. Mikey screamed in dominance and ate the food first. But suddenly, JJ found out they were poisoned.

"mikey stop" JJ said. Mikey kept eating.

"Mikey Stop." JJ said. Mikey kept eating.


"oh" Mikey said. He started having a stroke on the ground from the poison.

"Awww Mikey :)" JJ said as Mikey basically died. It was such a classic Mikey moment. How wholesome. Mikey started coughing blood.

When Mikey recovered, he found JJ trying to hoard two shovels. They fought for it, and it gnarly. But eventually, Mikey stole one and beat JJ in the head with it. Before he could dig in to his well deserved meal, JJ came back to life and vored him. Mikey screamed in blunt force trauma. But JJ instantly ditched the plan because he needed Mikey for future videos. Mikey cried in trauma and sped away. JJ followed him.

Mikey hid in the crusty musty bathroom. He heard JJ's footsteps coming closer, probably to finish him off. Mikey hid in a corner and prayed to turtle god, but suddenly he remembered god disowned him fifteen years ago when he was a minor. Mikey screamed in hopelessness.

JJ heard his scream and sped to the bathroom. He stabbed Mikey with a spork. Mikey screamed as he bled from his spork shaped wound. He died, but he respawned for convenience purposes. Mikey flew away from JJ. JJ followed him.

They discovered a basement. JJ decided to make this the new jjsment, and threw Mikey inside. Mikey screamed for the millionth time today.

JJ found beartraps. Perfect for Mikey torturing. He threw him to the traps, and Mikey' plump flesh got bitten by them. He couldn't scream because he lost his voice at this point. But then, JJ got jealous that the beartraps were stealing his food and killed them. Mikey gasped because JJ heroically saved him again.

Inside a conveniently placed chest, JJ found raw meat and gold. He also got warm clothes for the bitter cold. He would usually make out with the chest because he knew the pain it caused Mikey, but his lips were frozen at this point. R.I.P. Mikey got some too because he was great and deserved it. JJ even spared some of his meat because the bitter cold froze his emotions. He was becoming that one villain from Resident Evil. Mikey realized this reference and ran, but JJ followed him in silence with violence running through his veins. Veins.... that was what JJ would be eating when he ripped them out of Mikey. Mikey ran as fast as he could, but he knew he could never escape the jjwrath.

But when JJ left the jjsment, the reference went away. He became a normal JJ again. He cooked the meat he stole, and Mikey waited hungrily. When it was done, they fought for it, and it was gnarly. But eventually, they split the meat and ate 536737252626261662666771716626262626252552,7337726262626626262662766772 meters from each other for safety purposes. But still, Mikey would be safe. When JJ was in the artic, he was ravenous. That's just how he was.


Two days later, JJ and Mikey ran out of food, so they decided to eat each other. They went outside of have a proper duel, but suddenly, JJ saw the ship from earlier and went to search it. Mikey followed him.

After searching the ship, they found some gnarly resources. They blasted a hole in the ice and fished until their cocks froze. That was good, because jjsex was too rough for poor Mikey. Wait a minute, Mikey doesn't have a co-

They returned to the cabin. Now, they wouldn't have to eat each other until January. Hoorahhh.


Four months later, JJ and Mikey were fishing. Spring was here. It was a nice shipping moment. But suddenly, a polar bear came. He bit Mikey's neck and threw him 463727828282818818,473828828281828188181818 miles away. He went so far that he came right back and cracked his neck on the ice. When he looked at JJ for guidance, he was already speeding away.

"OK MIKEY YOU'RE THE BAIT!!1!1!1!!1!1!1!" JJ screamed in the distance as he ran.

"JAYJAY HELP ME ACTUALLY!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1" Mikey screamed as the polar bear tore his skin off and kicked him across the land. It was scary. JJ suddenly remembered that he needed Mikey for videos and trid guiding him, but Mikey was so fucking slow on his short stubby ahh legs that the polar bear was going to town on him. Half of his flesh was eaten already.

"GOD DAMMIT MIKEY YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST WORE YOUR MINECRAFT SKIN!!!!" JJ scolded as Mikey basically got eaten alive.

"JAYJAY IT HURTS TO MOLD BACK INTO IT I DIDN'T FEEL LIKE DOING IT TODAY" Mikey defended himself as he sped to the house. JJ went inside the house and locked Mikey out, but Mikey decided to use a sliver of his IQ to phase through the door. JJ screamed in anger as the polar bear stalked the house like a pervert.

Three days later, the polar bear still stayed in hopes of seeing Mikey's panties. But no way in hell would that be happening in this -25252552 degree weather. But the bear still had hopes. He hadn't masturbated in twenty five years and he needed something to do.

"This is the last of our food...." JJ said as he obtained three fish. He planned to keep it for himself, but Mikey growled and prepared to get into another gnarly fight for survival. But suddenly, JJ got a jjidea.

"Mikey be the bait again I have an idea!!!" JJ declared. Before Mikey could agree, he threw Mikey outside and started preparing a pitfall trap. Mikey screamed in blunt force trauma and the polar bear roared him like usual.

Meanwhile, JJ finished the trap. It was so beautiful that he screamed. But the polar bear heard and started to eat his flesh as he ran. Now JJ knew how it felt to be the bait. JJ screamed in blunt force trauma, but all his problems were solved when he fought it for survival. It was gnarly, but eventually JJ won and the polar bear fell into the jjtrap.

Four months later, summer came. JJ and Mikey went on the ship and soared away. But before they did, Mikey said goodbye to the polar bear because he was starting to grow on him even though he ate half his skin and flesh and it hasn't grown back yet. They soared away but then the ship crashed and they drowned. All that buildup just for that. Damn.

the truth about maizen!1!1!1!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang