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Mikey was sitting in the jjsment. Since JJ was away getting jjmilk, Mikey was alone. He fucking hated staring at the walls with stretched out JJ faces on them. He needed to escape.

Since Mikey was dumb, JJ had left an out-of-place looking trapdoor as an exit. He knew that Mikey would never find it because he was dumb. But, when Mikey activated his 1.2M IQ, he instantly found it, and escaped. Finally, he could feel the sun of his face and wind blowing past him. It was a nice fresh day.

The first thing Mikey did was touch grass and delete his Twitter account. He had become a better person. After, he trekked to the village to say hi to the residents. When suddenly, a shadow came over him. Before Mikey could do anything, he was knocked out.


JJ returned home after a long session of shopping for jjmilk and terrorizing the village for no reason. He set down his milk carton and turned on the news. He was always eager for some drama. But instead of hearing about people rioting over drag queens, he heard about a massive kidnapping spree. JJ got scared and turned off the tv.

"I need to make sure Mikey is secure in the jjsment!!!!" JJ exclaimed, and raced to his basment. But Mikey was gone.

"Shit he must have escaped somehow!!!!!" JJ got even more scared. His cash was on the run. JJ assumed that Mikey went back to his own house, and made a break for it.

JJ knocked on the door 66666,2718188 times. But no answer. JJ was really worried. Without his cash he'd be broke! And, secretly, JJ was also scared that he wouldn't be able to see him twerk on the security cameras at 3am. No more masturbating at 3am??? JJ couldn't handle it. He needed to save his crush I-I-I mean cash. He let himself in.

The house was destroyed. Fire and cobwebs were everywhere. Mikey was nowhere to be found.

"Dammit, the kidnappers must have gotten to him!!!1!1!!1!" JJ said, and kicked a stone out of anger and grief. It hit a villager child. It had a stroke and died. After beridding of the random stone that was in Mikey's house, JJ found a book amongst the destruction. He decided to read it.

"We have kidnapped Mikey, you have until sunset to bring one million diamonds to us, or else!!!!!!!" JJ screamed at this reveal. He didn't have one million diamonds. Okay he actually did, but he didn't want to give a single cent to the smelly kidnappers. He needed to find some other way to save his Mikey.

Wait a second. JJ suddenly remembered that he had two jjmillion dimaonds in his safe. He could give the kidnappers one half and keep the other. It was his best idea yet. He raced to his secret underground safe and opened it, but he only had ten diamonds. L bozo + skill issue. Suddenly, he saw a Mikey ghost standing on the safe.

"Skill issue." Ghost Mikey said. JJ tried to slap him, but his hand phased right through him. That's when JJ realized.

"Omfg Mikey are you DEAD?1?1??!?1?!?!1!1!1???!1!1!" JJ screamed. His voice was so strong that the entire village was destoryed by the force.

"No, I'm a hallucination" Ghost Mikey said. "I'm an embodiment of all your desires...."

"W-W-What....." JJ said fearfully. Then, Ghost Mikey started to twerk on the safe. JJ screamed and ran away. He needed to save the real Mikey, and he would do it by breaking into the kidnappers' base and speedrunning it. Hopefully, he wouldn't get horny in the base like last time. He needed to have his Mikey back. His senpai. His one and only. He sped away, shaking the image of Ghost Mikey's hot ass out of his head. He was so gay. Totally.

JJ ran to his farm and gathered food. Using that and the chestplate and sword that he crafted in 000000.1 seconds during his encounter with Ghost Mikey, he would save Mikey from the base. He also brought a jjmilk carton in case he released due to horniness. That was what jjmilk was after all. Cu-

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