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JJ was watching the news eagerly to catch drama about the gays so he could rage about it. But suddenly, the news basically said the world was ending because the moon would explode.

"Be careful everyone" The guy said, as if that would change anything. I could go flying off a fucking skateboard into a pool of alligators and it wouldn't change shit.

JJ had this mentality too. On his way to go skateboarding, he suddenly got an idea. He sped to Mikey's house and broke down the door.

"Come on bozo we're ganging up on the moon" JJ said deeply. Mikey blushed because JJ was so hot. They went outside, and JJ started assualting the moon with a laser gun. It was twenty six inches away from Earth. So basically if JJ whipped out his cock it could touch the moon. Damn. But suddenly, JJ realized this was not going anywhere, and he decided to become and astronaut and destory the moon's core.

"But the moon is a male" Mikey said. JJ slapped him for misunderstanding + having a dirty mind. They became astronauts, and they flew to the moon with a rocket JJ conveniently had in case a situation like this ever came up.

When they landed on the moon, Mikey placed down a flag. He was the first turtle ever to walk the moon.

"One small step for turtle, one giant leap for turtlekind!!!!" Mikey announced proudly. But his pride was cut short when he heard JJ shouting to run. He had already placed a bomb in the moon's core and it would explode in-


Mikey and JJ flew through endless space forever. The explosion killed their rocket and now they were dead for life. They rejected humanity and became amogus. JJ was red and Mikey was lime.

"This sucks" JJ said.

"Why" Mikey said.

"Because I'm The Imposter and now I have to kill you for survival." JJ said casually. He chased Mikey with a knife. The end. Spoiler alert: Mikey died.

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