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JJ was having a zesty time in his house while he watched security camera footage of Mikey twerking at 3am. He was so zesty.

But then, 🤓 broke into his house. Somehow he had made it past his top tier security measures. Oh no. He cornered JJ intimidatingly.

"What tf are you doing get out of my house" JJ threatened, but he had no weapons. 🤓 laughed evily.

"Um, ackshully, I'm here to steal your job because I want clout" 🤓 explained. JJ tried to fight him, but 🤓 was stronger. He knocked out JJ and stole his rabbit suit. FNAF reference.


Later on, Mikey decided to do a race with traps with JJ. Little did he know, there was no JJ. Only 🤓 in disguise.

"Alright let's get started :)" JJposter said, remembering how the real JJ said that at the start of every video. He had been watching Maizen's videos for the past month to memorize and plan this takeover. He knew everything about JJ... and now, he could become JJ forever. Mikey was dumb, so he would never find out about this impostery.

JJposter started explaining the scientifics of the game like a nerd. Mikey didn't think anything was wrong. The point of the game was for Mikey to set up traps for JJposter so he could cross them. Mikey thought he would win like usual, but JJposter knew that the real JJ would was good at parkour, so he would be too.

He didn't even try to sound like normal JJ. Since Mikey was dumb, he just thought JJ had a sore throat. So did the little timmys in the comments.

"Haha nobody will ever notice, not even the dumb fans" JJposter said secretly. But little did he know, 95% of the comments were about JJ's voice change. Idiot. He truly was a nerd.

The first challenge was walking over glass. It was the easiest thing ever. He crossed it in one second.

"What how did you do that how is that even possible??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?1!1!1!1!?!!??" Mikey exclaimed, and had 4649748282847288283,472727774737 strokes. JJposter didn't even care and went to the next stage. Mikey crawled after him because he still hasn't recovered yet, and he tumbled into the lava because the air tripped him. Mean air. JJposter was glad that the air killed him and celebrated his victory over the death of someone he didn't even know but was working with for clout purposes, when Mikey suddenly came back to life. He looked mad.

"Aaargh JJ I hate you!!!" Mikey screamed, and tried to kill JJposter. He didn't even move, but Mikey still missed, and fell 37377272727,372818282 meters back and into the lava again. How. JJposter bullied him as he miserably burned to death.

Mikey came back to life with a passionate burning rage for JJposter. He set up a parkour trap for stage two, but JJposter crossed it in one second.

"AAAAAG RAYJAY I HATE YOU TIMES TWO!!!" Mikey screamed. He was so over JJposter beating him. He angrily set up stage three, and JJposter wasn't even intimidated because it was bad like usual. It was dispensers.

"You usually beat dispensers easily, but this time you won't win!!!" Mikey said epicly. But JJposter stared blankly at him.

"I do?" He asked. Mikey suddenly stared at him suspiciously.

"Yes... how could you forget... JJ never forgets... unless..."

Afraid of being caught, JJposter used his mind control powers to make Mikey press the button. The dispensers killed him, and JJposter crossed stage three in one second.

"Aaaargh JJ how did you do that!!!" Mikey growled angrily. JJposter stared at him. He resisted the major urge to say "um ackshully," he he resisted for the sake of not blowing his cover. Mikey suddenly put two and two together that JJposter used his mind control powers to kill him.

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