idiot assassination

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Somehow, Mikey had gotten himself involved with a gang and he owed them money, and since he didn't pay them, now he had tons of hitmen on his tail. Poor Mikey.

"I'll protect you" JJ said protectively. Now he and Mikey were dating in the current videos. Mikey got excited because his bf would save him from the gang.

As if on cue, a killer clown came inside the house shot Mikey 2222,0000 times. He was still alive because he had plot armor from being a main character.

When JJ saw the killer clown, he instantly got PTSD from the time the killer clowns took over and tried to exterminate humanity. He remembered all the people that died and curled up into a ball out of grief.

"JJ SAVE ME!1!1!!1!11!1!1!" Mikey screamed and clown continued to shoot him. He was still alive. Suddenly, JJ snapped back to reality (oop there goes gravity) and killed the clown with his op weapon that he could conveniently spawn. He was so op.

Later, JJ caught Mikey walking to the village.

"Mikey stop it's dangerous out there!1!1!" JJ warned.

"I just want to go shopping :)" Mikey said innocently. JJ agreed as long as he kept his guard up and let him come with him. Mikey said okay and they went into the suspiciously crowded village.

JJ was looking for someone suspicious, but it was hard to do because everyone was sus. He wanted to eject all of them, but he knew that probably wouldn't be a good idea. He followed Mikey to the store and bombastic side-eyed everyone as he went by.

Suddenly, JJ saw a really sus guy. He was pacing around and had a short head. That did it for JJ. He warned Mikey about the sus guy, but Mikey didn't think anything was wrong. Big mistake. The sus guy got out a sword and tried to kill Mikey. Mikey screamed while JJ fumbled for his weapons again. He should have had them out in the first place.

JJ killed the sus guy. Mikey thanked JJ once again for his bravery, but now he had to go to work. JJ followed Mikey to work, and some of the villagers thought he was being a stalker. But JJ didn't care. He was protecting his senpai.

A couple hours later, Mikey was done with his work. Him and JJ went to leave after a long day of developing anime body pillows. But when Mikey opened the door, he accidentally stepped on a trapwire. It activated... a lot of TNT.

"The hitmen are at it again!1!1!1!" JJ yelled, and tried to escape with Mikey. But all the doors had iron bars on the other side. They were trapped for life...... until they saw another door that had been there this whole time. They went through it and escaped through the vents. They were sus. They ended up on the roof.

Then, JJ remembered his depression and PTSD from the killer clown incident two weeks ago. He decided to end it all. He jumped off the building and Mikey followed him because he was stupid. Poor Mikey.

But instead of dying, they landed in the water fountain below. Oops. JJ decided to carry on for the video and he and Mikey ran away from the building as it blew up. It was cool.

Since JJ saved him from the bomb, Mikey was very grateful. But, he was also feeling a little romantical. He asked JJ out on a date. JJ was feeling a little romantical too, so he agreed. They went to a nice restaurant.

At the restaurant, Mikey and JJ got a table together. It was a nice shipping moment. However, JJ was still in his "don't trust anybody" phase, so when the chef came and gave them their steaks, JJ of course had to ruin the date.

"I bet he poisoned your food" JJ said, speaking his mind loudly in front of the chef.

"JJ stop please you did this on our last date----" Mikey began, but it was no use. JJ wouldn't back down.

"He needs to prove he didn't poison it." JJ said. "Sir, could you take a bite of this steak for us?"

"JJ STOP BEING RUDE I'M SO OVER THIS YOU DO THIS EVERYTIME" Mikey scolded. But it was no use. JJ had his mind set on making the chef eat the steak. However, the chef only stared at the steak. JJ watched him with scary eyes, and Mikey waited in anticipation.

The chef didn't eat the steak. JJ had been right, it was indeed been poisoned. Just then, the chef got out a butcher knife and started stabbing Mikey. Mikey screamed again, and JJ fumbled for his weapons again. Idiot, he should have had them out. Again.

When JJ defeated the evil chef, Mikey thanked him for his bravery a third time. They went home. That was enough adventure for one day. On the way home, JJ and Mikey had a hot make out session. It was Mikey's way of repaying JJ for his bravery. When they got home, Mikey planned on going to sleep. He was about to go to bed when JJ gave him another warning.

"Just because it's night doesn't mean people won't attack you" JJ pointed out.

"Its night wdym they should be sleeping" Mikey said carelessly. He couldn't be more wrong. Then, as if on cue, somebody rang the doorbell.

Mikey ran to answer it like the ding dong that he was. Thankfully, JJ stopped him in time. Using the security cameras that he conveniently placed just in case an incident like this happened, he saw 100 hitmen outside of Mikey's house.


"One :(" Mikey said.

"Oh" JJ said confusedly, thinking he meant one dollar.

"Million" He added. JJ screamed at this reveal.

"Don't worry Mikey" JJ assured. "I have a trap that I set conveniently in case a situation exactly like this ever happened. Watch this"

He did his magic, and floor beneath the hitmen opened up, and they all fell into the lava below. They all burned to death.

"Glad that's over with" JJ said. Mikey nodded in agreement. JJ said they could finally sleep, and they cuddled together in the bed.

But suddenly, Mikey remembered that he never got to go shopping earlier. Now that the hitmen were dead, he had nothing to worry about. He left JJ and walked to the village in the middle of the night to shop.

When he got to the store, was stopped by 100 more hitmen.

"Hi guys" Mikey said nicely. The hitmen glared at him.

"WHERE'S THE FUCKING MONEY" One of the guys screamed at Mikey. Mikey was unintimidated at the hitman's roar, and offered him a one dollar bill.

"This is all I have right now :D" Mikey said, thinking it would enough. But it wasn't. The hitmen brutally beat up Mikey, and this time, JJ and his op weapons weren't there to save him. Mikey screamed in pain as he died.

Moral of the story: do not go shopping at night. You just might get beat up by 100 hitmen dressed up like demons.

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