Maizen but realistic

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JJ went into the hospital. It turned out that the abominable damage Mikey had taken from Sirenhead a couple days ago had seriously damaged his interal organs and disabled his legs, and he had to be transferred to the hospital for safe keeping. Poor Mikey.

JJ assualted Mikey with an apple to test his reflexes. When Mikey screamed in pain, JJ deemed him unhealthy and forced the apple down his throat. He also gave Mikey a flower because he was feeling romantical. The reason he had done both of these things is because he was feeling like a baddie goth boy today. Bad JJ.

Since Mikey had dementia now, he forgot all about getting vored a couple days ago. He made up the second most logical reason for his hospitalization.

"I tripped on a stone and now I'm permantenly disabled for life" Mikey said smartly. JJ bought his story because he knew how stupid and clumsy Mikey was.

"But I'll be okay after surgery :D" Mikey added.

JJ screamed at this reveal. The truth was, JJ had no money. So Mikey would be disabled forever. Which is ba- oh nvm I can't say not being able to walk sucks or else I'll be called abelist even though literally nobody enjoys not being able to walk. That's another realistic thing about this chapter.

"Mikey... surgery is expensive.... the cost is.... three million dollars." JJ said casually.

Up in the dimention controlling universe, Koen screamed at this reveal. The unrealistic cost had genuinely suprised him. Woah.

"It's okay JJ I'll do crowdfunding to make money :)" Mikey said. After starting a crowdfund in 000000.1 seconds, Mikey went on his phone. JJ left.

A week later, JJ came back. Mikey was still on his phone. Damn, blud's been on his phone for a whole week

"Are ya winning son?" JJ asked, and assualted Mikey with another apple. But Mikey was so brainwashed by his phone that he didn't even feel the pain. Poor Mikey.

"I love having my phone :)" Mikey said innocently. This is why his eyes are spread.

JJ wanted to say "no shit," but he didn't want to contradict his lonely bf in the hospital in front of the autistic patients. He simply asked how his crowdfunding was going.

"Well let's see" Mikey said, and opened up his crowdfunding website. But then, he started making distressed Mikey noises. JJ was desprate to know the reasoning behind these mating calls.

"HOW MUCH??????" JJ screamed. The curiosity was killing him. Actually.

"One....." Mikey said.

"Million?" JJ added. This was okay. Mikey could just make two more crowdfunding cosplaying as two different mentally disabled kids to earn the rest of the money.

"No sorry I meant to say none :(" Mikey said.

JJ screamed at this reveal. He needed to find a solution to this, and fast, because time was running out. In twenty four hours, the spider-verse would collapse on them, and JJ would be leaving Mikey for Miguel's hot ass. He needed to get Mikey walking again because nobody else would care about Mikey that much. Poor Mikey.

"I'll..... I'll....." JJ stuttered. He could not believe he was about to say this.

"WHAT?????" Mikey screamed. JJ slapped him for interuppting.

"I'll...... quit my speedrunning job to find a better paying one. A.... a.... part-time job." JJ said. He threw up shortly after.

"Thanks JJ!!!!" Mikey screamed. They made out, and after, JJ left. Mikey didn't even care that he made out with someone who just fucking puked. He liked that shit anyways.

Meanwhile, JJ got a part-time job in the mines. After a long week of parkouring over lava and finding rare ores, JJ went to collect his pay. But when he got to the register, the cashier only gave him one hundred dollars.


"Yeah bozo" The cashier said, unfazed by JJ's roar of dominance. "You only make five dollars an hour. What did you expect, three million? Clearly you don't know how jobs wor-"

JJ vored the cashier. He was so mad. He needed to find another way to make three million dollars in 0000000000.1 seconds. Then, he got an idea.

JJ returned to the hospital. Mikey was on his phone. No doubt he's been on it the entire week. His eyes had become even more spread.

"Mikey.... I couldn't make enough money...." JJ said.

"Yeah no shit you've only been working for a week" Mikey said. JJ got mad and was about to vore him, but then he remembered the events with Sirenhead and decided against it. He revealed his new plan to Mikey.

"But everything will be okay because I'LL become your doctor and dissect your body :D" JJ said. Mikey screamed at this reveal. Having his own boyfriend do surgery on him would be so hot and helpful. Mikey and JJ had a hot make-out session before JJ left for doctor school.

JJ looked at the equipment for 000000.1 seconds and read books for one year to pass his medical exam. It was the most inaccurate thing of the century but it's a kids channel so who cares. When JJ returned to the hospital a whole year later, Mikey was on his phone. No doubt he's been on it the whole year. His eyes were so spread that they were lagging out of his head. This mf.

"Mikey.... I'm back....." JJ said. Mikey turned around. It took him 5555555555,6564783939874 seconds to recognize him because he was so dumb because of the phone. But when he did, he screamed in joy. They made out, and then JJ broke the news to Mikey.

"I'm...... YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!11!111!!!!" JJ hollered. His yell was so powerful that Mikey was blown out of his bed and he crunched against the wall and broke all of his bones because of his voice. But it didn't matter because JJ would do his surgery now....

JJ did Mikey's surgery for five hours. The entire time, JJ resisted the urge to eat Mikey's fresh and plump organs. He should have known becoming a doctor while also being a hungry cannibal with anger issues was a bad idea. JJ gave in to his instincts and ate Mikey. He had wasted an entire year just for that. Damn.

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