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JJ abducted Mikey and went to a butcher shop to order meat because he knew Mikey hated animal abuse. But when they got there, they suddenly got trapped inside. Oh no.

"I can't believe I became a Roblox and got trapped in a meat store!1!11! This sucks!1!1!!1!" Mikey said, and tried to leave. But he couldn't. He screamed in defeat.

Suddenly, Mikey got his best and only idea yet. He would interrogate the butcher to ask who trapped them in here, even though he was the only other one in the room. Mikey was so smart. But when he went to begin the interrogation, the butcher decided to activate his fart kink. Mikey screamed as loud as he could as he died from the smell.

But the butcher wasn't the only kinky one. This part in the video was the most replayed, so that meant the viewers liked watching people get farted on. Kinky viewers moment. Mikey revived himself at the thought of JJ with hot abs.

JJ decided to speedrun the butcher shop. Mikey followed him. They parkoured so far that Mikey broke, but when JJ threatened to butcher him, he got scared and continued on, even though he was tired and horny from his vision of JJ with hot abs.

JJ looked way more attractive in his Minecraft form. Not in Roblox though. Mikey hated Roblox. He always died in the obbies. In fact, he died 226727273727727272727277373828737,36272772728277282 times in total. JJ liked Roblox because he got first place in the obbies every single time. Mikey always got jealous, and JJ was forced to kill him before things escalated too far.

Eventually, JJ and Mikey reached a dead end. While they grieved over themselves because they were about to die from the toxic waste that was randomly there, JJ suddenly got an idea. A devious idea. A Mikey will totally hate this idea. A devious idea. Wait I already said that.

There was a cow there that was conveniently there and hadn't eaten for 466367372727 years. JJ offered Mikey to him.

"Yeah totally bro thanks" The cow said.

"Yw" JJ said, and threw Mikey in his mouth. Mikey screamed in chaos as he fell. But suddenly, the cow ate him too. JJ screamed because this was the second time he had been betrayed by being vored. (Sirenhead reference)

While JJ was here, he might as well give a vore lesson to his legally retarded friend. JJ explained the mechanics of throat disease, and also pinpointed the esophagus. There was no point in doing this, but hey, maybe there's some fourteen year old watching your kids YouTube channel that doesn't know how to pronounce esophagus like a bozo. You never know.

"LET'S SLIDE DOWN HIS THROAT" JJ said, and threw Mikey again.

"JAYJAY STOP" Mikey screamed, but he was already falling. JJ fell down with him because he already had a plan to destroy the cow from the inside just like he did to Sirenhead.

"Prepare to get vecna'd mf......1.." JJ vowed as he fell. Mikey stared at him weirdly but didn't say anything.

As they were crossing the stomach, Mikey suddenly got blunt force trauma from the time Sirenhead vored him and he had a stroke and fell in the acid. Thankfully, he respawned for convenience purposes.

Eventually, they reached the anus. Literally. The anus. Anus the. The. Like actually I'm scared.

"LOOK MIKEY IT'S THE ANUS BUT I HAVE TO CALL IT THE REAR END FOR YOUTUBE GUIDELINE PURPOSES!!!!" JJ roared. Mikey got excited and ran to it. But JJ stopped him to show him how escaping through animals' anuses' was really done.

After avoiding literal shit, JJ managed to escape. Mikey soared after him, and they got shit out. Kids' content at its finest. They parkoured to the end of the factory to discover the meaning of life, but Mikey got blunt force trauma again and fell into the blood. JJ had to save him like usual, and then they finally escaped the factory, the meaning of life turned out to be pigs.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" JJ screamed in anger. He could not believe this. He started to chase Mikey. He climbed over the fence and sped away, but JJ quickly caught up to him and dug into his prey. The end.

Moral of the story: To find the meaning of life, get vored by a cow and shit out its anus to find that it is pigs.

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