Chapter 20: Dragonhold.

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I wasn't a fan of the temple, or their rituals, or the priests. Anything related to them, actually. But when you hear of the Gods being mentioned, the temple usually isn't too far behind.

Their time to shine was here, and therefore so were they, with the approaching festival of Gods.

Atleast it's Aporia, least demanding of the twelve creators.

Putting my quill down, I gestured for a palace lady to lead the priest away to a side chamber.

"Do inform him, I'll be there in just a moment." I spoke softly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The door shut with a sharp click, and I leisurely stood up from the chair, palms placed on the table surface.

Every year, on the last full moon of winter, one of the twelve descended on this world. No, to be more accurate, an apparition of them, took form on every world in existence.

Ours included.

There were tales of strange places existing in this universe, realms we weren't even aware of, beyond the reach of those who weren't heavenly beings.

And it seems, Aporia, the Goddess of Love was to be welcomed this year. I've heard she is simple, or atleast as simple as a Goddess could be.

Which isn't a lot, if you think about it.

I flicked my wrist, causing a thin book to drop from the bookshelf on my right, and float over to me. I cleared some space on the table and observed as the pages of the books turned by themselves.

Then within seconds, it stopped towards the middle of the book's thickness. A woman, cloaked in golden light was drawn on the page, shimmering hair, and exuding an unmistakable sense of authority, just from the drawing itself.

There were no facial features drawn, but it was Goddess Aporia, clear as day.

In the next page was everything known about her, including the nessecarry rituals for her successful descent.

A female vessel, as loving as found, placed on the altar, at the point highest to be reached.

That was it. Simpler than any other creator's.

Although ofcourse, finding the 'vessel' was not an easy task. I took a quick glimpse at the information written down about her. Wouldn't wanna meet the priest unprepared after all.

The book was put away, and I left my study, making for the side hall where the High Priest was waiting.

At the door, apart from the gatekeeper, two holy knights were stationed, probably brought by the priest. I eyed their empty scabbards, before passing them by and entering the hall.

So even holy knights were not allowed to carry weapons inside the palace grounds. How unexpected.

But even more unexpected, was perhaps the seven-year old, no even younger looking boy seated comfortably inside the hall.

Wearing pure white robes, and jewelry of gold on his thin wrists, with a long, delicate scepter in his hands. Even more surprising was the expression on his face.

Childish features weren't enough to hide the cold wall behind his eyes, with which he stared at me, unblinking.

He is so, he looks so young.

My voice seemed to be stuck in my throat for a moment, before I could ask, "...Your Holiness?"


He pushed himself off the cushioned sofa, and stood up silently, head tilted in my direction.

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