Chapter 2: Into the Vessel of Possibilities

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"Are you excited for tonight?" asked Sister Elizabet. The group of siblings were gathered in the rectory, preparing for the welcome home party for Papa Emeritus III.

"...ahhh yes! I wonder who he will be bringing back to the Papal suites tonight." inquired Brother Antonio, scratching his chin. The group was heavy with the sighs and daydreams of the lovelorn siblings, ready to see his eminence back home-but then of course there was Alessandra.

"Who cares? I am sure it will be someone...or several someones. It's not like his highness can go without a casual fling for more than 5 minutes at a time." Sister Alessandra scoffed, the thought of him parading around like Satan's gift to humanity always got on her nerves. What gives him the right to be so arrogant....Just because he is Papa? She thought to herself. She was clearly in the minority but didn't care.

"Alé, I don't know why you feel like that, he is absolutely dreamy." Sister Elizabet said. Liz was Alessandra's closest friend and confidant. Why Alé had such a thing against Papa though, Liz would never understand. He seemed to like her well enough. "It's not like he ignores you, I see him trying to talk to you all the time, that is when he can catch you." Elizabet laughed.

"I am just not interested in someone who would have me, and anyone else that walks upright, share his bed. I have more important things to worry about like the welfare of you all." Alé barked back. She was right. She had taken on the wellbeing of her fellow siblings as a self-imposed responsibility. She had been appointed representative of the siblings for the clergy. It was her job to handle official affairs between them. Something she took very seriously, her passion to help others not lost on the others.

She was always ready to stand up for a fellow sibling of sin, making sure all their needs were being met. Her recent appointment to this position granted her the ability to do that and do it well. She was grateful to the clergy for the opportunity, although it did mean having to see him at times. Something she was willing to get over. She understood where the others were coming from. It's not that she didn't find him attractive, of course he was. She wouldn't admit it but there were times she did catch herself thinking about him, but quickly brought herself back to reality. He was a playboy and a letch there was nothing that would change that and she wasn't interested.

Interactions between them consisted of his feeble attempts to flirt and her trying to hold back the urge to smack him. Knowing Terzo, he'd enjoy it. He must have thought her rejection was funny because he sure did nag her on a regular basis...usually asking her to join him in a orgy or "learn to relax" by letting him go down on her. She would just roll her eyes and move on with her day. Thankfully he had been gone on tour for the rituals, so she hadn't had to deal with his antics in months but with the prodigal son home now, she was sure it was coming she just didn't know when.

Terzo sat at the vanity, his favorite brush in hand. The one that gave him the control he needed to get the perfect cut of his skull paint. The smell of the greasepaint making itself known as Terzo dipped the brush into it, and began getting ready. Tonight the siblings had prepared a party for him and he would be expected to look his best. He would go down and greet the siblings. Leading them in the celebration of his return, like a shepherd leading his flock. He would make everyone excited for the festivities and enjoy themselves before it was business as usual tomorrow. He would like to relax tonight, especially knowing he would be responsible for black mass the next day...but for now there was a party to be had and a pressing matter to attend to, that weighed on his mind.

She will absolutely be opposed to the idea. I can't even get so much as a smile from her. Unruly mare that she is. Won't even laugh at my jokes. Terzo thought to himself wondering how he was going to approach her. After all, he pretty much sealed the deal by making this set up his one condition with Nihil. And while he would never force himself on a sister or brother, not that he would have needed to, this was different-she NEEDED to comply for the sake of the ministry.

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