Chapter 3: He'll Wield the Scepter, She'll Wear the Gown

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The damn sun was shining brighter in her room than she remembered. Alé's head was pounding, a sure sign of her overindulgence from the evening prior. As she lifted herself carefully up onto her side, rubbing her eyes, she wondered just how late everyone had let her sleep in. Though her head kept her from peering out into the room, she quickly realized she was not in her bed.

Oh shit, oh shit...who do I leave with? The sheer terror made it suddenly easier to open her eyes. She was right, she was not in her own bed. The white percale sheets made that pretty clear, not to mention the massive size of the bed and the sun shining from the opposite side of the room. She cautiously attempted to rollover, when she bumped into something warm next to her.

"Argh..." a man's voice groaned. She was terrified to look but had to know who she'd been with. Much to her horror, she saw Terzo laying next to her in bed. She immediately rolled back over and hid under the sheets. Her heart, now pounding and her throat feeling tight. Thinking she had really done it now, Liz and the others would never let her live this down.

"Shit." she whispered to herself.

"ah...Alé are you awake?" he yawned. She could feel him stretching beside her and then put his hand on the curve of her hip hidden beneath the sheets. She wanted to smack him so hard for touching her like that, but what did that matter now that she'd slept with him. She felt him get out of the bed, while she lay frozen still like she felt afraid the boogeyman would get her-unsure of what she would do next.

At least I am not naked. Fucking Hell what was I thinking. I shouldn't have drank so much. Fuck..fuck! she chastised herself. She could hear Terzo giggling to himself from across the room.

"You do realize I'm not going to bite you, well at least not yet?" he laughed, sitting in the chaise across from the bed. "If it makes you feel better...nothing happened last night." Alé let out a sigh of relief, slowly revealing herself from under the covers, trying to see Terzo while squinting from the light and the ache of her head. Terzo pulled the drape and it fell just enough to block the sun rays from Alé's face.

"Oh...thank Lucifer." she said. Alé sat up a bit and tried to orientate herself enough to leave. She didn't want to stay there any longer than she had to.

"Wow, tell me how you really feel." Terzo said, feeling a bit of sting from her comment. For some reason Alessandra did feel bad for having said it so harshly. But what did he expect. It wasn't like she hadn't made it well known that she had no intentions of ever going to bed with him.

"That should come as no surprise to you. I am not one of your groupies." Alé said while trying to massage her own temples. The pain in her head was intense. Terzo could tell that she was hurting and came to sit beside her on the bed. Alé's head hurt too much for her to protest. She felt Terzo place his hands on either side and begin to rub her temples. Despite her better judgment, she gave way to the relief it was giving her, not a care that it might come with an ulterior motive.

"Let me help you feel better, I think maybe the ghouls wine was a bit much for you last night, yes?" He said while continuing to gently massage in circular motions. Alé was grateful that this seemed to be helping.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to come off so hateful. I'm just not the type to get drunk and sleep with someone, and no offense-you and your reputation among the siblings is pretty well known." Alé replied, her head still firmly in Terzo's strong hands. He chuckled, releasing his grip on her scalp. Now able to fully open her eyes without pain, she was sure she'd be able to make it back to her room... but something kept her from getting up.

"I see. Well we all know you won't fall for such things." Terzo said. Alé nodded in agreement. It was going to be a long walk back to the dorms and she was not looking forward to explaining herself to everyone, especially coming back in last night's dress.

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