Chapter 8: Wine Never Does That

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That weekend had come and gone and Terzo had done his best to give Alé as much space as possible. So much so that a couple months now had come to pass, the time unkind to them both. Alessandra buried herself in her work and in the planning for the show. She had all but secluded herself in her dorm room with Liz. Liz of course, as the best friend had been told everything, down to the grittiest detail. Alé had also confided in her one thing she had yet to admit to anyone thing she told Liz that could not be uttered outside the confines of their room.

Alessandra was in love with Terzo. Alé told her she had realized it for sure the moment she saw him with the other sister. If there had been nothing between them, it would have been embarrassing for sure–but the sight was devastating, there was no other explanation. Word had gotten around that there was something going on between Papa and Sister Alessandra. This was of course was met with mixed reception, mostly regarded as ironic. She had called him lecherous and that she would never be with someone like him only for it to play out as it did.

Terzo had spent the last couple of months getting his fair share of sideways looks from siblings in the halls and Nihil nagging him about fixing things so he could "get on with it". The Ghouls even were not thrilled after news of the incident spread within the church. Rain and Mountain had completely sided with Alé and Aether had all but told Terzo that he should tell his old man to shove the whole idea where the sun didn't shine.

None of how the others felt mattered much to him. Terzo was more concerned about Alé. He wondered what she was thinking, how she was feeling. The thoughts haunted him at all times. He had no idea if she would still agree to their "arrangement" anymore. Regardless, Nihil had told him it was imperative that he get back to business and per their calculations, tonight after Mass was perfect. Terzo was in charge tonight and so his day would fly by in a busy hum of preparation before opening prayer. If he was going to even attempt to talk with her...he needed some time to think.

The day had passed in a fog of monotony as expected and Mass was coming to an end. The smell of frankincense and smoke dissipating in the air and the waning of the candlelight signaling it was almost over. The chapel was filled with faces, none of which were as important as the one that sat way in the back.

" I believe in the Unholy Spirit, the Unholy Church–the communion of sinners, the indulgence of sins, and the guidance of the infernal master. Nema." Terzo prayed over the congregation. With that final prayer, Mass was complete. Terzo stood in the pulpit and bid farewell to the congregants while on their way out, Alessandra, ever present in his mind.

He watched her leave with Sister Elizabet, who had been shooting him glares throughout Mass. He was surprised that she even came. He would not have blamed her for never wanting to see him again. She had left without saying a word.

It wasn't long until the room was empty, smoke from the out blown candles still hazy in the room. Terzo sat down alone in the front pews. His mind chasing his reasoning, her face ever a permanent fixture in his thoughts. From behind him, a firm hand was placed upon his shoulder.

Terzo looked over briefly just to see who it was–Secondo. The two brothers were close. They had a typical sibling relationship growing up. Often fighting and causing a headache for Primo, but as they grew older the two of them became more friendly. Often Terzo would go to Secondo for guidance.

Secondo sat beside his brother in the pews. The two stayed quiet for a bit, with deep breaths and an unspoken understanding. The quiet murmur of the Abbey going on behind them.

"What is it that troubles you fratello?" Secondo asked, breaking the silence. Terzo didn't answer, instead fiddling with his gloves in his hands, taking them off to place in his pocket.

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