Chapter 9: Two Star-Crossed Lovers Reaching Out

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Several weeks had passed since Alé agreed to Terzo's demands and resigned herself to having to sing on stage in front of everyone. She was absolutely terrified, but she knew the siblings and the show would be better off for having Papa participate. When Alessandra announced it to the group, they were ecstatic. Some might have been even more excited to hear that she had been roped into singing too.

It was a little known fact within the Abbey, but a well known one amongst her friends, that Alé actually loved to just not in front of anyone. As the weeks counted down to the show, Brother Antonio gave her some good natured ribbing for her singing. Which was no surprise, but what was, was how much Terzo loved to hear her.

"You are a sweet symphony to the ears cara mia." He raved, she couldn't help but blush. He had been working on a song for a while that he decided he would experiment with during the show. An unreleased track that would be on Ghost's next album. He loved singing it with her, the harmonies they created–enough to make him roar with excitement and honestly only served to turn him on more.

Practice was running a bit long today. With Alé having to manage all the other siblings involved and practice singing herself, things had definitely become overwhelming. She tried to take it all in stride and focus. The impending event did lend her the extra distraction she needed to not dwell on exactly what was going on between her and Terzo. But that would soon end.

Once Alé dealt with some last minute tasks and all the boxes were checked before the show, which now was only days away...she would have a mountain of free time she hadn't had in months. Terzo of course blew through rehearsals and practices like a fish swims through water. This freed him up to focus on Alé. The siblings and ghouls alike had noticed just how attentive he was to Alessandra during rehearsal as well...making sure she was comfortable–singing her praises with every line of lyrics she managed to belt out..

"You know boss, maybe we should bring the sister on tour?" Aether suggested.

"Oh heavens no." Alé laughed, "I'm only doing this for charity...well and because I was suckered into it" she said, sending a wink at Terzo who winked back. Bringing her on tour would be wonderful. He knew she could handle it and he would revel in her companionship on the road, but he honestly hoped she would have other things preoccupying her–like their child perhaps.

"Hey just sayin'." Aether laughed. It was obvious to the ghouls that Papa and Sister Alessandra were in love. They could tell from a number of things. The way he looked at her when she sang, the way she smiled while watching him direct them–the little things that might have otherwise gone unnoticed, but most importantly her scent.

The two of them had barely paid attention to things like timing or cycles or well anything other than each other. There had been no official announcement of Alé as Prime Mover per her request, but of course the entire Abbey knew anyway–as word of mouth spreads like wildfire. The two also didn't hide it as much as they had before, frequently being seen together even when not at rehearsals. When asked, Alé would deny they were in a relationship and Terzo's response was always a coy, "ask her".

"Already everyone! Let's break for lunch, Sister Blanche–we will have you and the other sister do your bit next ok?" Alé directed. Terzo sauntered over to her, a grin on his face.

"Cara, would you like to have lunch with me?" he asked, clearly hoping she'd say yes.

"I can do that." Alé laughed, and the two headed off to the rectory. They grabbed a few things and sat at a table that faced into the church yard. Terzo knew that she chose this particular seat. Alé wanted to watch the outside preparation for the show from all the contractors, some of which were the stagehands Terzo recommended that worked with Ghost. Terzo was starving–digging in immediately and devouring his food but Alé , not so much.

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