Chapter 19: And We Are Tied as One Eternally

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The storm raged on, the rain positively relentless. Copia sat, eyes wide, in the front seat of the car–the chaos continuing to unfold. He attempted to drive, even a few more miles, but it was still way too hard to see. Copia knew they'd end up in a ditch or worse and had it been just him and Terzo he might have considered it but with Alé and the baby...the risk was too great.

The cascade of rain was so thick that the world surrounding the car was veiled from view. Only blurs, the muted colors of trees and the faint suggestion of a road ahead of them visible. It had been a couple of hours since Alessandra's water broke, and although he didn't say it Terzo was terrified. He had no idea what to do. The baby was coming and nothing, not the rain or even Lucifer himself was going to stop it.

"I think you are supposed to push when the contractions happen..." Copia chimed in from the front seat. Terzo looked up at him, annoyed at his comments. If he wanted to be helpful he could figure out a way for them to get home, he thought.

"Alé, are you having another one?" Terzo asked, watching the pain wash over her face. She couldn't talk much, only tears streaming down from her eyes as she tried so hard to remain strong. She nodded, he hated seeing her like his. She was in so much pain and there was absolutely nothing he could do–he would have gladly taken it all upon himself if he could.

"I love you Terzo, if something happens to me, promise me that you will protect this baby." Alé begged, fear in her eyes.

"With my life cara mia...Nothing is going to happen to you. It's going to be ok." Terzo assured her. About an hour later the rain began to lessen, just enough to make out the road. Copia knew if they didn't gp now they'd be delivering this baby in the middle of nowhere.

"It's let up a bit...I say we go now...I am going to try and get us to the Abbey." Copia said, turning the key and starting up the car once more. Terzo agreed and they took off as fast as they could down the road headed straight for the Abbey. The road was slick, but the Cardinal kept his cool, maneuvering the wheel like a professional. Terzo was quite impressed with him, the nervous man was always able to get himself together if it meant that someone else would be helped. He adored him for that, his best friend.

Alessandra's contractions started to come non-stop, it seemed like there was no beginning or end to them anymore–the pain constant. She tried to steady her breathing, and regain composure but she was failing. She clenched her teeth and tried not to push until they reached the Abbey, but when she felt the pressure she knew it was too late. From the look on her face Terzo could tell something had changed, he brought his hand down and felt the baby's head was right there and his heart stopped, this was it.

"Terzo...I'm not ready...I can't do this." Alé cried, her voice shaking as she did. The pain–tearing through her with each contraction. Terzo was trying his best to support her, ready to deliver their child on his own.

"You can do this Alessandra. I know you can." he told her, kissing her damp forehead and getting back into position. Terzo was as ready as he'd ever be. They had just reached the drive that led up to the Abbey when Terzo yelled for Copia to stop. It would be safer if the vehicle wasn't moving, he thought.

"Is it coming right now?!" the Cardinal panicked. Terzo didn't bother to should have been clear to him at that point.

"Alé, my love...push for me. You can do this. You are the strongest woman I have ever known. If anyone can do this it's you cara mia." Alé smiled a bit through the pain and pulled back on her legs prepared to push. "That's it my love, you have this." Terzo praised her. She pushed hard and cried out loudly every curse she'd ever heard. Copia staring in awe of Alé's restilance and Terzo's focus.

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