Chapter 11: Cry For Absolution

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"I'm..." Alé started. Terzo looked deeply into her eyes. His white eye felt like it was piercing through her soul. He looked almost lost and worried. A look she hadn't seen him wear before, not like this. Come on, just spit it out, tell him you're pregnant. It's what he wants. Alessandra bargained with herself a moment before Terzo's shouting brought her mind back into focus.

"What–what is it, just tell me?" he begged her.

I'm...I'm so sorry that this is all happening. It's all my fault, if I could just..."

"Oh no Alé you can't think that. You aren't responsible for any of this–this was all something you didn't ask for. I should be sorry...I am..." Terzo tried to explain as Alé burst into tears. She couldn't do it, she tried but the words just wouldn't come out. She felt so angry with herself. Infuriated for how selfish she was–she could end his agonizing right now...but that might also end things between them. "Let's go back to my office and sit ok?" Terzo suggested since it was the closest place that would allow for privacy. He felt awful seeing Alé like that..

"Ok." she replied, wiping the eyes from her eyes and nodding her head.

"Alright then." The two of them became very quiet as they traveled the hall. Alessandra was blaming herself for this, or so Terzo thought. He knew he should tell her–tell her that none of this was her fault at all. She was thrown in the mix due to no fault of her own and all because HE chose her. Not the church, not Nihil– no him. They got back to Terzo's office and he sat down on the sofa across the room from his desk with Alé settling in beside him. She was still teary and he pulled her close to his chest, kissing the top of her head as she leaned into him.

It started to storm outside–fitting for the way they both felt. So gloomy, uncertain, and a distant rumbling of thunder that warned both of them of a threat to come. The rain trickled down the windows of the office, the clouds had fully overtaken the sky, and the room grew dark, only a small light from the lamp on Terzo's desk illuminating them. The crackling of lighting from outside adding to Alé's unease. She could feel the cool air coming in from the old windows of the office. She snuggled herself up closer to Terzo, him helping to pull her in tight.

Alé sniffled, She hadn't been quite so emotional in front of Terzo before, maybe not ever in front of anyone. She was unable to reign it in, thinking maybe it was the hormones turning her into a blubbering mess, or the stress of everything, or all of it, all at once. She was just so overwhelmed.

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't need to say any cara mia, look at me." Terzo demanded, pulling her chin up to meet his gaze. "You have done nothing wrong–do you hear me? Nothing!" he declared, with such conviction in his voice. Alessandra was still so tearful. Looking at her like this was unbearable, he needed to do something.

He pulled her up, across his lap and held her in his arms. She stared into his eyes, longing for him to touch her, to embrace her fully. Terzo wanted the same. He had tried to comfort her and only that but his longing was too much. He brought his lips ever so gently to hers, kissing lightly on her lips. The wet sounds of kisses mingling with the sounds of the rain. He did this for a few moments before slipping his tongue inside her mouth. Alé let out a moan, assuring Terzo that he could continue. She seemed to be wanting him as much as he wanted her.

With their lips still locked and tongues intertwined the two got moved into a better position. Alé straddled Terzo's lap after slipping off her panties. She could feel the powerfulness of his thighs between her legs and as he wiggled out of his pants she felt him graze her sex, sending hot flashes through her. Terzo unbuttoned his shirt, Alé pulled off her dress.

"I need you to..." Alé whimpered.

"You need me to what Alé? Tell me what you need from your Papa." he commanded, bringing his mouth to her breast. She winced a bit at his touch, so very sensitive as he grazed the side of breast with the backs of his fingers. Terzo noticed and then gently continued pulling her nipple into his mouth. He then moved his hands to brace her, keeping them firmly gripped onto her hips.

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