Chapter 7: You Have Just Begun to Explore the Dark

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The next week and a half was filled with monotonous phone calls and ink stained hands from all of the countless forms. Alessandra was determined to make sure all would be ready in the next couple of months for the show. She liked staying busy. It made it easier for her to keep her mind from drifting off and thinking about him. That night in the garden, with Bela Lugosi's voice humming in the background–Terzo taking her under the moonlight.. it was something she had not mentally prepared for.

She knew her avoidance of him would be coming to an end soon. She was only days away from when they were obligated to meet again. Alé found herself absent-mindedly thinking about it, even looking forward to it–counting down the days till she would be back within the comfort of his arms. She was sure Terzo was only with her because he had to be and not because he actually wanted to.

Sure he wanted to have sex with her–bedding sisters was the "name of the game" to him...but she felt so foolish to think it could be anything more than that. He was ever so charming, which was why his seductions were so effective. Alé was snapped back into reality by the sound of the main office door swinging open–a bit forcefully, causing some precariously stacked books on the shelf nearby to come tumbling to the ground. It was the Cardinal, a mass of files in hand and a ledger. He looked completely flustered for having made such a mess.

"Oh my. I am so sorry I must have underestimated the speed at which I opened the door." he said, setting the things in his hands down to pick up the ones he had caused to fall on the floor.

"It is ok Cardinal, these things happen." Alé assured him. As the two worked to clean up, the Cardinal continued to apologize...Alé couldn't help but feel bad for him. She wondered if Sister contributed to his being so anxious. "So what was that you brought with you Cardinal? she asked him.

"The Sister sent me to bring you these." he smiled sweetly at her. Alé felt herself blush a bit at his smile. "There are some expense reports that she would like you to fill out and keep track of. She wants to make sure that this does not go too far off budget." he told her. The two finished getting the books back in order and sat down on the chairs in front of the desk.

"Thank you for bringing these to me, I greatly appreciate it. The Sister has been too kind–" Alé started when she felt the Cardinal's hand on her knee.

"Sister Alessandra, forgive me..but I–I wanted to tell you that I think what you are doing to get the siblings and the community together is quite commendable. The Abbey and the clergy are lucky to have you." he praised with a smile. Alé was sure her face had turned bright red.

"Thank you Cardinal, but it is not just me...we are all helping." she smiled back. The Cardinal was cute. Maybe she would have something else to divert her attention from the craziness that was the rest of her life recently. As she had the thought she chastised herself for even thinking about it. Oh Satan, Alé sleep with Terzo a couple of times and now you're ready to hop on all the clergymen... that will help your reputation.

Terzo was going stir crazy. He told himself that there was nothing going on, that he wasn't just spending all his time thinking about her, wanting her, missing her– but it wasn't true. He knew deep down exactly why he was feeling that way. This was unfamiliar territory and it scared him more than anything he had ever experienced in his entire life.

He had been trying frantically to figure out things since the night of the movie–trying to find his way out. Nihil would never go for it now. He still needed to produce an heir–Terzo refused to take anyone else as a Prime Mover. There could never be anyone else now. If he stopped seeing her, it would force Nihil's hand. Terzo tried to come up with another idea. He was desperate.

The things she made him feel–they filled him with so many emotions, the most prominent now being sheer terror. He needed to forget her and pretend like none of this was happening. The mere thought of losing her–so terrifying as it made itself a permanent home in the back of his mind. He needed to do something, anything to get her out of his head when in walked Sister Sophia.

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