Chapter 14: Can You Hear the Rumble

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Alé got into the car with the clergymen, still confused and a bit disturbed with the entire situation. It was bizarre to say the least. What could the Sister need such immediate information for, especially on a subject that was honestly none of her business? This was something that should have remained between Alé and Terzo.

They should have been able to go together. Terzo holding her hand as they heard the doctor tell them, with certainty they would be parents but now that wouldn't happen. Alé agreed to this. Or at least she thought, when she agreed to become Papa's Prime Mover. Her life was now wrapped up in all the things that came with being a part of the high clergy order and the Papacy. This included having to deal with even more of the Sister's requests and oversight. .

The entire car ride was quiet and distinctively uncomfortable. Cardinal Copia spent the whole time fiddling with his gloves in his lap as well as a small thread from a button on his cassock that seemed to have been pulled. Father Ashton on the other hand, while still quiet, was completely calm–eerily so. Alé knew almost nothing about the man or what his role was within the church but his presence put her on edge.

They arrived at the doctor's office where the Sister had made the appointment. It was in a typical and unremarkable building. When they walked inside the waiting room was empty except for the three of them. Mass produced art and photography of nature lining the walls and rows of uncomfortable looking chairs with vinyl cushions littering the room.

The Cardinal checked them in with the receptionist at the front desk and then went to sit down with Alé and Father Ashton, as they waited patiently for someone to call her back. Alé grew more anxious with each passing moment, this was not at all what she had imagined. The gnawing sensation in her stomach grew and grew, until finally a woman wearing pale pink scrubs came through the door–clipboard in hand and calling Ale by name.

"Alessandra?" she called out into the room, as if there had been anyone else there. Alé went to get up and noticed that the two men had gotten up with her.

"Wait...they both of you do not need to go." Alé asked, confused and a bit rattled.

"Well um...Sister asked that we be present to confirm–" Father Anton informed her, but before he could finish Alé wasn't hearing any of it.

"Are you serious? No..."

"Alessandra please." Cardinal Copia pleaded. Alé was angry, this was even more of an invasion of her personal space and privacy. She didn't even know Father Ashton, why would he or anyone else besides Terzo for that matter need to go with her.

"Only you Cardinal, and thats only because I consider you a friend." Alé scoffed, the Cardinal blushing at her words.

"I think...I think that's agreeable." Copia said, "Father, we will see you shortly." Father Ashton sat back down in the chair, a look of disapproval on his face. Alé was glad that the Cardinal outranked him and that at least she didn't have to share this moment with a stranger.

Once in the exam room, the nurse drew some blood and handed Alé a paper gown. The nurse explained to Alé that she would need to get undressed from waist down and then leave a urine sample in the adjoining bathroom. Alé nodded and did as she was told, thankful the Cardinal didn't need to follow her into the bathroom as well. When she returned to the room, feeling more naked than ever–despite the thin layer of paper.

It was very uncomfortable for both of them. Alé sat on the cold exam table, nervous and ready to have it over with. The Cardinal, feeling that his being there wasn't right but was so worried about upsetting Imperator that he didn't want to veer from the orders he was given. Alé was so upset that Terzo wasn't there, trying tirelessly to suppress the tears she desperately wanted to cry.

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