Chapter 4: Unholy is the Lust in Your Eyes

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For those who are triggered by first time intercourse stories that involve coercion...continue reading at your own risk.

Alé and Terzo had left Papa Nihil's office as quickly as they could. Alé's control, crumbling even more as they walked down the hall. She said nothing to Terzo, only staring at the floor, praying her tears would stop flowing before they reached the dorms. In her sight was the door to her room and she walked faster, with Terzo trailing behind. He pulled back on her hand, stopping her in her tracks. As she turned, she made eye contact with him. He looked sad, and regretful. Something she wasn't anticipating.

"I know this isn't what you want." Terzo admitted. Alé gently pulled her hand from his.

"It never mattered to you before and it certainly doesn't matter to you now...Now it's I do this or I am shunned by the church, the very thing I live and breathe for... I, more so than you." she cried, her look shooting daggers at him. Terzo had been taken back by her candor. While he was Papa, she was right...she had shown more love and care for the church and those within it than had in a very long time.

The years spent performing out on the ritual tours and indiscriminate sex had jaded him. While the words of her accusation stung, it was most certainly because they were true. He had known Alé was not the type to sugar coat things and that was one of the reasons he liked her so much...maybe he needed this kind of thing in his life.

"You're do care more." he said, Alé was utterly shocked he had admitted it. His demeanor had changed. Alé hadn't seen him so down before. This was not the Terzo she knew, full of bravado and showmanship. He was remorseful and seemed genuinely upset.

"I am sorry Papa, I didn't mean-" she started, surprised that she felt so bad for having said those things to him..

"No,'s ok. I am an honest man, or at least I try to be cara mia. It is not your fault, you only speak the truth." Terzo responded.

"I just don't know what else to say..." Alé said, feeling her stomach drop. There was something she needed to tell him. Something only she knew... something not even Liz had been aware of. Something that made this entire ordeal that much worse.

"It is my lack of faith and irresponsibility that has gotten us in this mess now. I know this is a lot to ask of you and I am not keen necessarily on the resolution of this task myself but...I must do you understand?" He asked her, his eyes pleading with her to accept him.

"I'm scared." Alé admitted to him, "I will do what I have promised. I will try to help you... but I have never..."

"Never what?" Terzo asked puzzledly.

"I have never been with that before...and I swear to all things unholy I will murder you if you tell anyone." Alé threatened, her heart racing and her cheeks turning red. It was all out in the open now.

"Alé, you mean to tell me that you have never had a lover before... that you are a virgin?" Terzo was shocked. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't recall ever having heard of Alessandra being with someone. It did make sense, she never seemed interested in those kinds of things and it did explain why she never wanted to engage with him, or at least he'd like to think that.

"Yes." was all Alé could say. This was a new feeling for her, vulnerable and a bit powerless. Terzo wasn't sure what to say. This created a new dynamic to the whole situation that he hadn't anticipated. Not only was he asking her to carry his child, but for him to be her first lover. Either thing on their own, significant-but both... It was a lot to ask.

"I...I did not know cara mia. If it makes you feel better and you'd prefer to take another lover before me we c-"

"No!" Alessandra shouted, "No that's not what I want." She ran her hand through her hair on the side of her face, pushing it behind her ear. This was all happening so fast. She went from her biggest worry, being the siblings to now having to have a child with Papa. The stress alone was enough to make her pass out. She was irritated that the enormity of the situation still seemed to not bother Terzo.

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