Late for rehearsals

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Becca sat at her desk continuing making her remixes as she opens her can of dr.pepper. She listens to the progress she's made with the demo, as she listens to it a smirk Is plastered to her face. Having Chloe on the demo with Emily was the best idea she's ever had but she's noticing some things she doesn't like about the background music so she continues making the changes while taking another sip of dr.pepper.


she takes off her headphones and places them next to her mac book. She secretly hopes that Chloe is texting her, becca had always had fancied Chloe, ever since the first week she joined the barden bellas during senior year. Her thoughts disappear as she starts reading the texts from Chloe

chlo 💕: becs, were r u?
chlo 💕: your 30mins late for rehearsal babes
chlo 💕: hello?!
chlo 💕: I'm coming to your dorm now

Becca heart fluttered when Chloe called her "babes" or "hun". Even if they were "just friends", Becca would have fantasys about them dating. Holding hands, going on cheesy dates, kissing, she also had some wet dreams about Chloe

becca decides to call Chloe and tell her she's coming, but before she can type her passcode, Chloe and Emily are already rushing over to her.
"Becca! Why arn't you at rehearsals"
"What Chloe said"
Emily and Chloe were always very concerned about becca, she didn't mind Chloe being that way but becca was starting to think Emily she possibly has a crush on her. "C'mon Becs, let's go!" Chloe grabs her hand and starts rushing out the door whilst still hand in hand. Emily follows and shuts the door behind her as she leaves beccas dorm

More than friends (bechloe/sendrick)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن