Prince Charming

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*at Chloe's dorm*
Becca groaned in aggravation as she placed her headphones beside her mac and get yet another Dr.Pepper, no matter was she did to stay away from dr.pepper she kept drinking it. Chloe never drinks dr.pepper, she loathes it. She only buys it for becca, she's been working like a dog lately and Chloe feels bad for her.

Aubrey is making her put together another mash up. Apparently it's suppose to be a "backup" for when we go to Australia for the worlds, which is in a week and a half. But we all know that's a lie. We all have to attend rehearsals at 4 to finalise the routine, except becca.

Chloe walked up to becca from behind as she took a sip from her dr.pepper. "Baby, you've been working too hard" Chloe did the ever so popular puppy eyes/mouth behind her as Chloe wrapped her arms around the brunettes neck. Even though becca couldn't see her, she knew that she was convincing her. "Give your remixes a break and come cuddle with me"
"Sorry sweetie, I can't. Aubrey needs this remix done by tommorow!"
This made Chloe really upset, not because of becca constantly working on unnecessary projects that avoids her from cuddling with her little dj. It's the girl who's making her do all this work....Aubrey, Aubrey Posen. "nawww, ok. I'm going to sleep, night gorgeous"
"goodnight baby, once I'm finish I'll come to bed" Chloe kissed the top of her head and walked over to her bed.


Chloes P.O.V

"Ok Bellas, positions! We need our routine spot on!" Aubreys attitude towards the bellas had never change, she was still the aggravating pushy girl that she always was from 3 years ago and nothing would change her devotion to the barden bellas.

"Thank godness i dont have to do anything" beca whispered under her breath, i noticed but just ignored it. If i was going to go up to her i would get yelled at by Aubrey, and from the last experience....i dont want that to happen again.

"bree? im tired, can we just take 5?" Wait....what? No one ever asks for a break during rehearsals, what makes stacey think she can just ask like that. Im the only one that calls her bree, aubreys the only one that lets me call bree.....Whats going on?!?

"Sure Ba...Stacey" Was aubrey about to call stacey babe? or even worse baby?! As soon as break was called upon all the bellas away from the white board and towards the chairs, each bella pulled a chair and formed a circle next to the white board.


*in the bella circle*

"alright, what the f*** is going on with stacey and aubrey?" chloe asked aggressively

"i have no idea, does anyone actually know whats going on between the 2 lezes?" Cynthia asked

"says you" fat amy chuckled at her own joke.

"Hey...hey, hey , hey girls. Seriously, has anything weird been going with aubrey before this?" beca was certain to find out what was going on between the two new lovers.

"Yeah, i know"

"Aubrey was calling me worried asking where stacey was, she sounded like she was going to cry" claimed to Fat amy to all the girls

"Do you think they're experimenting?" Cynthia asked the bellas.

"No, i dont think aub-" becca was interrupted by the sound of cheers. Becca was unsure of what was going on so she looked at chloe with her classic confused look. "over there baby" Chloe whispered into the brunettes ear as she pointed at the two girls lip banging in the corner. "Get it on!" Fat amy shouted, every girl in the circle laughed hysterically as the two girls pulled away from each others lips.

Aubrey blushed as she looked at Stacey, realizing they were in front of the girls. "Sorry, i couldn't help it" Stacey pulled her signature smirk as soon as her words escaped her lips. The two girls walk up to the circle hand in hand, winning one of the most confused looks ever from Becca and Chloe. "Back to positions girls!" aubrey demanded.

"Great" Chloe groaned to becca.

"At least everything is back to normal now.....sort of" The two girls chuckled silently and then got back to work.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*at beccas dorm*

"Ughhhh, today was such a hard day" The two love birds collapsed themselves onto the bed. Even though they did little to no activitys today, both girls were drained of energy. "How about if we cuddle and watch mean girls while eating popcorn?" Chloe suggested "Can we make a pillow fort?" Becca hadn't made a pillow fort ever since she was a kid. Chloe remained silent and stared confusedly. "Have you ever made a pillow fort before chloe?" Becca was shocked by the fact that chloe had never made a pillow least she thought she didn't "Of course ive made a pillow fort, i think we're older than that becca" "Pleaaaaseeee, please please please? please with a cherry on top" Becca probably pulled all tricks out of the book....none of them worked except puppy eyes. It was the one trick chloe couldn't say no "to. Moments later becca continued asking. "Pleeaaseee baby?" and thats when it happened....she pulled the puppy eyes. "aaaawwwwww, of course" chloe surrendered to beccas cuteness as becca grabbed all the pillows and blankets grabbed making the quickest pillow fort chloe had ever seen. "So......Mean girls?" both the girls nodded, chloe grabbed the popcorn from the microwave as becca climbed inside the pillow fort.

'Taylor Zimmermann, two for you. Glenn Coco? FOUR for you, Glenn Coco! You go, Glenn Coco.' Becca chuckled as chloe just stared into her eyes. Chloe was so happy becca was beside her, but as the person chloe was herself....she didn't really know what becca ment to her, so she just asked. "Becca?"

"Yes baby?"

"Uhhmm....What am i to you?" Chloe was beyond terrified to ask this question. Mainly because becca might jump to conclusions about this conversation

Becca paused the movie before she began to speak

"Well.....where do i begin, Your my girlfriend....The best girlfriend anyone could ask for by the way. Your my little munching, my love, my prince, my e-"

"wait.....what do you mean by prince, and sorry to interrupt" This caught chloe by suprise, mainly because no one ever gave her nicknames like becca does.

"Ok, Let me break it down for you. You know when you were younger, did you ever watch cinderella?"

Chloe Nodded

"Did you ever think about who would be your prince charming? The one to sweep you off your feet, the one to steal your heart?"

Chloe Nodded

"Thats what your are to prince charming"


Hey guys,

Im so happy.......YOU GUYS GOT ME TO 1K 🎉🎊

1000 words for 1000k

i dont have much else to say other than...AMERICA LEGALISED GAY MARRIAGE....WHOOOOOOOOO

*that moment when you live in australia*

i got inspired by this instagram post that said "my prince charming is a princess" and for some reason that really motivated me to write this chapter.

my prince is a princess 👑💛

later suckers ✌️

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